Pakistan urges Syria to comply with the resolution of the CSNU in search of elimination of chemical weapons

 Magic Post

Pakistan urges Syria to comply with the resolution of the CSNU in search of elimination of chemical weapons Magic Post

NEW YORK: The new interim authorities in Syria have created an opportunity to rid the country of chemical weapons and guarantee compliance with the chemical weapons Convention (CWC), Pakistan on …

Pakistan urges Syria to comply with the resolution of the CSNU in search of elimination of chemical weapons Magic Post Read More
White House says Pakistan is developing long-range missiles capable of reaching the United States

 Magic Post

White House says Pakistan is developing long-range missiles capable of reaching the United States Magic Post

A senior White House official said Thursday that nuclear-armed Pakistan is developing long-range ballistic missile capabilities that could eventually allow it to strike targets outside South Asia, including the UNITED …

White House says Pakistan is developing long-range missiles capable of reaching the United States Magic Post Read More