Sister Wives: Kodi’s to-do lists for ex-wives are growing – Magic Post

Sister Wives: Kodi’s to-do lists for ex-wives are growing

 – Magic Post

Sister wives star Cody Brown He had some emergencies for his wives when they first separated, and they apparently came in the form of a list of some weird things they needed to do with or without TLC’s cameras rolling.

Janelle Brown was one of the first of his four wives to reveal what he asked of her. Cody expected to get back into her good graces by running a mission. Now Meri Brown is speaking out about her Kodi list. When they finish this list, promise that they will work on their marriage. But fans of the show know how it’s done.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown gets creative with menus

Sister wives Celebrity Kody Brown seems to be getting creative with making lists of his ex-wives. He comments on the possibility of reconciliation when these lists are completed. Meri Brown mentioned the list Kody gave her in the latest episode of the TLC series.

Sister Wives: Kody BrownSister Wives: Kody Brown
Sister Wives | TLC

But Janelle Brown’s list came out a while ago. It came with details that fans found shocking. And then after Meri Brown mentioned her list this week, Sister wives Fans wondered what the patriarch of this now-defunct polygamous marriage was doing.

Meri Brown made her list…

Meri’s friends seem well aware of this list. They pondered their thoughts about what the man with the dreadlocks was thinking.

They saw Myrie make the concessions that Kody Brown included on his list. But when she did what he asked, he didn’t keep his end of the bargain.

So Mary did the work Sister wives The Patriarch asked her. However, he did not fulfill his promise to work on their marriage. However, even after all this, she admits that she still loves the husband she once shared.

Kodi menus contain ridiculous tasks?

Last week on Sister wivesMeri Brown discussed Kodi’s list with her friends. But Janelle Brown also received some requests from Kody when they first broke up. Her exposure of jaws dropped a while ago after being asked to do so.

Kody Brown found it necessary for Janelle to act like Robyn Brown if they wanted to repair the rift between them. At one point, Kody suggested that Kristen Brown would also need to get along with Robyn for their marriage to work.

So, Meri didn’t mention the tasks Kody gave her on that list we heard about last week on Sister Wives. But it makes sense that Robyn would be included somewhere.

Once Kody and Meri broke up, she saw little of Robyn. She viewed Robin as her best friend. But that fell by the wayside after she broke up with Cody.

So, Kody Brown has distributed lists to his estranged wives in the past. This is very similar to what Meri mentioned this week Sister wives. While Meri hasn’t detailed her list, we know from the past that Kody Brown framed the behavior toward Robyn Brown as an emergency measure for Janelle and Kristen to repair their marriage.

He even suggested that they act like Robin in the Pledge of Allegiance. Not only that, he said wives need to let him lead the family. So, it looks like Meri’s list is just another Kody Brown list that led to a dead end on the TLC series.

Come back to Soap Dirt for the latest posts Sister wives.

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