General Hospital: Olivia is launched in Louis for years lost with Gio’s grandson? – Magic Post

General Hospital: Olivia is launched in Louis for years lost with Gio’s grandson?

 – Magic Post

Public hospital lovers, we have a fact about parenting parents about to get out, and will send shock waves across the family. This includes Olivia Falconi (Lisa Site) when she discovered her best friend Luis Serolo (Rina Super) who was lying to her for 20 years.

The spoilers of the General Hospital: Brock Lin dilemma and the Chase dilemma

Well, so the secret of Brooklyn Quarten (Amanda Citton) was pregnant by Dante Falconi (Dominic Zambronia) teen. The child abandoned the adoption, as he flows into the General Hospital. As you know, Olu Spencer (Alexa Havens Bruning) discovered by chance while she was overnight and breakfast in the Martin Gray Hotel room (Michael ENIT). After that, in a recent episode, Brooke Lin wandered and told Harrison Chis (Josh Swikard) that Dante was the father of her child.

Chis does not seem to take it very well. He is very close to his voice, feels slightly upset with Brock Lin, and tells her that the fact that Dante changes everything. Other GH spoilers say for this week that Cis is stuck over the dilemma centuries. And I think it’s if it was to tell Dante, his dear friend, partner in PCPD.

As you know, Brock Lin did not want to detonate Dante’s life. But it is very large for honesty and does the right thing. And I think he will have to tell Dante or persuade Brock Lin to move forward and do this because Chis will not leave this lie. We all know that Lulu will not sit on this secret forever. Therefore, Dante will discover. After that, the rest of the family, including his mother, Olivia Falconrei Quartetin.

Explosive truth: Geo’s true identity revealed

Of course, the most explosive part of this secret is something that Brock Lin does not know itself. She believes that she and the son of Dante have surrendered to adoption in the world as a random young woman. But of course, this is not true. He is right under the noses of everyone. Of course, nothing but BLQ cousin, Geo.

The only people who know this are Louis Serolo (Rina Super), Gloria Serolo (Ellen Travolta). And now Martin Gray (Michael ENIT) because of course Lewis lawyer. She emphasized him because she was worried about whether BLQ could open closed adoption from behind a day. She is trying to keep this secret. But we saw the last day that the guilt is alive in the General Hospital.

She really wants to tell Brock Lin the truth. But her mother, Gloria, tells Lewis that he could never happen. She says they have to keep the truth about a hidden geo. At this point, I feel almost more worried about the repercussions of what is better for the people concerned because there is no reason for not telling Olivia, Nid Ashton (Wali Corith). Many people who loved this family have lied for a long time.

Main repercussions: Betrayal reactions and family in Olivia on the secret of Geo

I expect to see Louis Krak, and she admits Brook Lin. And when this truth bomb explodes, it will end a lot of lives. Of course, the three main affected are Brook Lynn, Dante, and their son, Gio, who now believes, unfortunately, is an orphan. There will be many other people who are affected as well. They will not take it well when they discover that they were in the dark throughout these years.

When Olivia discovers that she got a grandson who was in the family and did not know anything about him for more than 20 years. It is a secret who has been sitting with her best friend. I can only imagine how long it collapses and is upset by Lewis. Dante, of course, will shock. But at the same time. He was also an ignorant teenager at the time. And I think some grace may appear and understand why BLQ never told him about her pregnancy.

General Hospital: Louis and Gloria do not get grace?

I am not sure of the number of people who will appear Louis and Grace Grace when all this comes out. Olivia will see this other way. You will not be upset with BLQ. I think Lewis will be that Olivia will be very angry. Not only Lewis has better. But Gloria resembles my second mother, Bensonhurst, to Olivia. They have maintained this for more than two decades.

Olivia is likely to feel completely betrayed by Louis and Gloria, and they may face its anger, full anger. The ballistic Olivia may go completely to Lewis when you discover that it was keeping it GIO all this time. Worse than that, keeping him from Dante, because he had no idea that Brook Lin was ever pregnant.

General Hospital: Giovanni Palmei (Giovanni Mazza) - Olivia Valoneri (Lisa Site) - Luis Serolo (Reina Super) General Hospital: Giovanni Palmei (Giovanni Mazza) - Olivia Valoneri (Lisa Site) - Luis Serolo (Reina Super)
General Hospital: Giovanni Palmei – Olivia Falconi – Luis Serolo

Ned reaction, Sony Ferry, and Jio Hasra on GH

Olivia will be next to itself. NED may also turn because Lewis is also deprived of the chance of even knowing his grandson. So, I think it will be the Olivia team. I don’t know if he will even try to defend Lewis. But I don’t think it is possible. I tend to think about Olivia and perhaps Ned will put all the blame on Lewis and Gloria.

Also, in this mix, do not forget that there is Sonny Corinthos (MAURICE BENARD). Louis is one of his best friends as well. He was watching Geo all this time. And if he was not sitting on a secret and did not mention that, it should be intended as well. Sony may feel the same way Olivia feels a tent from Louis and angry on behalf of Dante that he was stolen from raising his eldest son. And do not forget that Sony’s grandson is also.

General Hospital: Geo in a blow?

Geo’s poor life is about to turn upside down. He did not know that he was adopted. Since his mother died Camilla, you know, Jion was an orphan. I think she was his mother. He was told that his father was a death, and a lot of lies. So it is likely to be annoyed by Louis and Gloria as well, and they are two well -known women and loves all his life.

I do not think that the adoption is the one that will hurt Geo a lot. I think it will be the fictional father who was invented in the entire. It is not logical to hide the adoption of children as soon as they are overlooked at a certain age. There is a lot of uncomfortable. Since his mother Camilla had died for a while, Lewis and Gloria sat there and called him believed that he was an orphan when he had my mother and my father all the time in Port Charles.

Lewis’s potential exit and the reaction of Trissy

The bottom line, a whole pile of people will be upset that Louis and Gloria are hiding the fact that Geo has been adopted. It will be chaos, and this is something that may not be forgiven, at least not for a while. Many other people may feel the same way, such as Olivia, Nid, and some others in the family. It may not go long before Lewis was the latest championship in a town in Port Charles.

With everyone angry with her, she can pack her bags and return to Bensonhour’s with her mother, Gloria. We’ll see. Tercy Quarten (Jin Elliot) may expel them because it may clarify a great harasser deal. In the upward direction, I think Tris will be pleased because Gio is a family because she loves the child a lot.

This is also a kind of perfect time for Lois to go out because Rena Sofer, which she plays, recently mentioned that she wants to go to a retirement of acting. Therefore, this chaotic disclosure of Gio may be Swan’s Swan. It may retreat to a frequent position, and rarely seen in the General Hospital. We will discover that.

Demakes against the effect: the chaotic effects in the General Hospital

Louis and Galauria may have to leave for a disgrace to Bensonhour’s with everyone angry. Of course, Louis was good intentions. I thought she was doing the right thing throughout this time. I agree to a certain point. But as soon as my mother’s mother dies, it is really a truly eloquence.

I don’t think her mother will write, Lewis, or anything. But Olivia, Ned, and Sony may have some things to say. Geo is likely to have a lot to say. It may be better to leave Louis to the city and return to the town soon. It will be very messy. I am here for that.

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