The spoilers of the General Hospital Michael Corinthians (Chad Dowle) still see his burns in Germany, but he will return. When it is, I bet he will be shocked because many are now changing during his journey.
Will Chad Dowail return to the General Hospital, such as Michael Corinthians? Pour speculation
Now, what we do not know is whether Chad Dowle will play Michael when the character returns, or if it is a reformulation. Chad just played a role in the play that will appear in Hollywood, but it is planned to flee Broadway. Therefore, if he remains in the part, this may keep him away from Michael’s return. Or perhaps this is just something that Chad does as a palate cleaner. As you know, it has been on soap for a long time, and he just wanted to break. He is still planning to return to the General Hospital. So, we will see. I will tell you when I hear anything, but now, let’s be exposed to what Michael might be amazed when he returns to the General Hospital.
Sasha’s secret: Jason Morgan as a father of Michael?
So, the first thing that might be shocked to know when returning home is a new dynamic between Jason Morgan (Steve Berton) and Sasha Gilmour (Sophia Matson). By the time Michael returns home, Sasha will be very pregnant or may have already given birth to her child. No one is nothing but Sasha and Jason really knows that Michael is the father.
If you remember, it’s because Sasha slept with Michael when he was still married to Willo Tate (Catlin McMulin). I think it was not informed of anyone else, so I drop a comment if you remember, but I think it is primarily the three of these. However, at that point, Willo was already accepting Drew Ken Quarten (Cameron Mathison). Then I slept with him immediately after Sasha and Michael for one night in the General Hospital.
But Sasha is concerned that Wello will use her night with Michael to seize their full children. Sasha did not want Michael to lose his children, so she only intended to raise the child on her own without Michael’s involvement. Sasha insisted, although Michael did not like.
Michael tragedy strikes in the General Hospital
Then everything was crazy because Sony Corinth (Morris Pinard) had exploded, and Michael became burning, then left the city. Meanwhile, Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) offended things and escaped to everyone that Jason was the person who carried Sasha. Now Jason is going with this because he agrees with Sasha that he can protect Michael’s interest.
In addition, Michael asked Jason to pay attention to Sasha, and of course, Jason wants to help Sasha and the child because Michael is like his son. Currently, Sasha is a kind of payment, but Jason will not go anywhere. They get to know each other.
They are developing friendship. By the time Michael returned to Port Charles, Sasha’s friendship with Jason may have turned into something else. Something more, something, as you know, with sparks. Therefore, Sasha can end in a full love story with Jason, who can play the father’s role for Michael’s child.
Therefore, if he returns home and sees Sasha with Jason. They play a house with the child or play the house and prepare for it to connect the child, and I think this will amaze Michael and put him in a strange and perhaps uncomfortable position. Jason vision bite may play my father’s role. Therefore, it seems that the entire situation of Sasha is like the drama awaiting the occurrence as soon as he returns to the city.

Willo and Dero: A saturated relationship with steam and potential marriage in the hospital
So, the next thing that might amaze Michael upon his return is to discover Willo never slowed her role after cheating on him with Drew. As you know, when Michael returns, he may see that Willow is participating in his drawing. You may be pregnant with his child by that time, because you know that Drew will love it. Currently, Willo and Michael are still married, but her lawyer, Martin Gray (Michael ENIT), are still moving forward with divorce despite Michael’s exit from the country. It is subject to a painful burning treatment.
At the rate, Willo and Droud moved, agreed to move with the house that has just bought, bring children. They may engage before her divorce is final. They can even marry Michael to Port Charles. And ink on divorce papers will not be dry. Drew is essentially the theft of Michael’s wife and life. All this is likely to put it in the General Hospital.
He will put matters in a legal battle to have to fight Michael because he does not want to raise his children by Drew. The bottom line, Willo does a giant chaos because it falls for everything that Druo lights up and his obsession. It seems that she thinks it is love. We all know that it is not. Therefore, Michael may be amazed, but maybe he was not shocked because he knows how long the Drew is.
Joslyn Jacks: Who is a university student to WSB SPY?
So, the other thing that will be a great shock to Michael is if he discovers that his little sister, Jocelin Jacz (Aden McCoy), is a secret spy. It turned out that Jack Brennan (Chris McCina) was watching Jose for a while now as a recruitment. Jack believes that Jose will be an excellent agent. So far, it seems right. It is in WSB Boot now. She kicks a foot, but Jack also has lies to everyone and lives a double life.
By the time Michael appeared, all of them should be trained in a full WSB agent, and this is the beginning only if Jos decides to stay with WSB. In addition, Michael will eventually discover that Goslin killed Cyrus Renault (Jeff Cooper). This is Jack Covering her. Therefore, when all this news appears, she will explode her entire family, including Michael. They will all be noisy.
Strange Christina and Ava Jerome: A recipe for disaster
There may be another shock with her sister about Christina Corinthians (Kate Mansi) and the chaos created during Michael’s departure. We have seen to a large extent since the trial and the jury, Ava Jerome (Mora West), has not guilty because Christina has completely separated. Ava is constantly under Christina’s skin in the General Hospital.
To be fair, Ava flows on it, but at the same time, Christina does not miss an opportunity to try to walk on Ava. Both are actively raising each other. Therefore, by the time Michael appeared, Krice may have picked up and did a terrible thing for AFA who made her in trouble.
In addition, Rick Rick (Rick Hurst) is still in the city in the city. It will be completely sure that Christina had paid if she did something to Ava. Since Michael always escapes Christina, he may be shocked by returning home and he immediately has to deal with her drama because Michael has always got his hands full with Kristina strange.
Secret heart condition: a time bomb in the General Hospital
The greatest shock ever, when Michael returns to be around Sony’s heart. We have not seen any talismans, but we have not seen much of it recently. But there is no doubt that it will get worse gradually in the General Hospital. The thing is that he did not tell Michael, any of his children or any person in the heart crisis.
Sony needs surgery very soon. As you know, Jason, Natalia Rogers Ramirez (Eva Laro) knows, knows. I think that’s all. We hope, well, and CDF (Carlo Rota) now knows. However, we hope for Michael’s appearance that Sony has undergone surgery. The issue of his heart will be under control, but this seems optimistic.
It seems unlikely. Although Natalia abandons him on this topic, Sony continues to postpone it because he focuses on finding the bombing of Benthaus. Michael was almost killed. Sony believes he has a lot of time, so he drags his feet and avoids procedures in the general hospital because of the risks if people know that he is weak.
Sony takes a role in the General Hospital
Therefore, when Michael returns to Port Charles, Sony’s healthy condition may be by that time. Of course, Michael will be shocked and Sony did not tell him about it, but it is also understood that he did not tell Michael because he was going through his own medical crisis.
Therefore, regardless of whether we have prepared Michael to sweep the May, the July Wiping Operations, and even the November surveying operations, given the ongoing signs and name drops, I feel that he will definitely return this year, either with Chad Doyle in the role or reformulate.
When Michael returns, all of these things may be a real shock to his regime when he sees how everyone’s life moved forward during his departure.