contributed by Irena Nayfeld, Facilitator of the investigation workshop on the teaching pd
Those of us who spend our days around young children hear it all the time: “What is it?”
“Why are you doing this?”
“For what?”
“How fucking
Children are infinitely curious – they want to understand the world around them, how it all works, where it comes from and how to interact with it. And yet, research shows that children ask few questions during teaching – and that this number continues to decrease in subsequent grades.
Why are questions essential for learning, and why, as educators, should we prioritize the creation of a class environment where the survey prosperous? There is a lot ways to bring students to ask better questions.
Survey always on: 5 advantages of learning based on class surveys
1. The questions reveal the interest
We ask questions when something that attracts our attention, we surprise or when we hear something on which we want more information. To ask almost all questions is a clear signal that says: “Hey! I be careful and I want to know more!
Ask an excellent question? It is even more revealing.
2. The questions reveal gaps and the strength of – understanding
As teachers, we know that everything we say will be understood the first time. In fact, this facilitates our work when we are asked a question that can clarify a misunderstanding or explain something in a better way.
Teaching students to ask effective questions can reveal what this child does not understand, allowing us to fill the gaps and probably improve the understanding of other students as well.
There is a difference between a good question and a bad. Large questions reveal an understanding and a global understanding of the importance in a way that the answers cannot.
See also Why are the questions more important than the answers
3. The questions improve the recall
Research shows that when you ask a question yourself, you are more likely to remember the information you receive. It makes sense – you are probably wondering something that is interesting or relevant to you, and by asking yourself, you are personally invested in the answer.
Encourage children to express their questions can help them generate information that interests them and that they are more likely to keep the lesson ended once.
4. The questions keep the learners committed
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If we are open to children’s questions and make room for discussion, the lesson can quickly become more interesting when children’s own questions guide him, and they benefit from many advantages of asking questions.
A question can take a lesson in which the teacher speaks to a more relevant discussion for students, raising questions that others could have and encouraging students to indulge in the subject or activity.
Questions need students.
5. Questions reinforce a basis for new knowledge
There is a lot Advantages to apprenticeship based on the survey. Any subject or subject begins with wide and fundamental information which constitutes the basis of more in -depth or specific knowledge. A basic understanding of plant growth is essential to discuss how dessert plants differ from those developing in tropical forests.
A question asked at the right time built this essential knowledge – and with this understanding, more complex and more interesting knowledge has roots, and learning has a chance to grow.
As a Educators, it is up to us to exploit the natural curiosity of young learners and to be determined to encourage questions in our class so that children collect these advantages of investigation -based learning, and make an effective question of a habit of mind.
See also A guide updated on class questions
Teachthought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.