Days of our lives are common: Teresa reveals Sofia, Bou, Malb and more actors? – Magic Post

Days of our lives are common: Teresa reveals Sofia, Bou, Malb and more actors?

 – Magic Post

Days of our life fans, we got another common round with some exciting things about the Teresa Donovan (Emily Operation), pregnant Sofia Choi (Rachel Boyd), Bou Brady (Peter Richell) and Amal Brady (Christian Alfonso), and some rumors and information.

Terisa Donovan explosive return and Sophia Choi: Our lives are rumors

Immediately, let’s talk about the great old Tersa Donovan rumors. We have seen it returning a week ago on Friday, and it is already causing problems with Tate Black (Leo Howard) this week. Emmy Choi was not happy to see Tate in Small Bar with his mother, and why would the Theresa Teenage Tate take an ever? Then Teresa tried to lie to Amy about the place where she was and tries to cover that she just got out of prison when Amy already knew, so it is not just a good look. So let’s dig rumors. We have heard that the Teresa has returned in the short term and will manipulate Tate’s Baby Mama, Sofia Choi. From what the rumors say, Teresa believes that Sofia has a secret, and she digs in it and reveals what Amy’s daughter is hidden. Now, this is the extent of rumors, there are no details. However, for a long time she thought that Aaron Green (Louis Tomio) may actually be her infant father because they had a kind of Netflix and after noon after Sofia came out on the day when he said the name of Holly in bed. At least, Sofia should have told Tate if she had grown with Aaron or anyone else because that puts another option for parenting on the table for her child. They have never been a father’s test.

The return of Soras Ariana Horton: The days of our life depicts speculation

There are other rapid rumors revolving around Soras, soapy opera aging syndrome, and it revolves around Ariana Horton. This gossip encountered radar more than a month ago, but I did not mention it on our last round. So, rumors say that Gabi Hernandez (Sherry Jiminies) and Will Horton (Chandler Massi) are progressing at the age of Ariana and returning to Salem in adolescence.

Bo Baa and Amal Brady are short -term: Our life days did not reunite hopes

Well, on rumors about Bouradi and Amal Brady. She says that their return this year will be less than two months. It is not a long story at all. For me, this seems to be a symbolic offer to compensate for the terrible thickening that they did in those loot in 2023. Remember, they showed us this great meeting and hope for the reunification that was coming, and of course they were never delivered. They woke up, who was not even himself. Then he refused hope. Then, he was shot by his son Sean Douglas Brady (Brandon Pimor). He has been in a coma since then … as if Bo was not really. It was in the giant test tube in Megan Hathaway (Miranda Wilson) from 2015 to 2023. Let’s hope, although it is a short return, it will be good and will get actual reunification. This is what we expressed.

Shop suspected: Gabi, Jada, Raf, and a horrific plate with Rachel

Now, a quick rumor of shooting EJ Dimera (Dan Feuerriegel). I mentioned this before because I was very fascinated by it. It is related to WhO Shot EJ, Whodunnit is coming. Just a little update because we now see that they are preparing Gabi as the best suspect. Amy, Polina Price (Jackie Harry), and others at home all of them Gabi Point with a pistol in A J and threats. After that, two days later, JJ Deverux (Casey Moss) had Gabi to prevent fire on EJ. Therefore, it may be the first to be arrested. Of course, Gabi does not want to return behind bars. I do not think she will shoot him. But the other suspects will include Jada Hunter (Elijah Canto) and Raf Hernandez (Galin Greing). Rumors say that the angry Johnny Demira (Carson Potman) threatens to shoot EJ. But then he cannot do that. He puts the gun down and comes out of the Demira Palace. After that, the rumors say that the daughter of Christine Demira (Stacy Heidoc) Rachel Black picks the gun and accidentally shoots her uncle EJ. So we will see. This should happen after a long period of seeing the new actress in the role of Rachel, which replaces Vinley Rose Slater. And if the Little Rachel pulled the trigger on EJ, I think CPS may be present to raise a Christine child in the heartbeat.

The return of GWEN Rizczcech: The fate of Abigil Daviro and a possible reformulation

Well, here are rumors about GWEN Rizczech. Although she plays the role of Teresa now, Emily Operation exchanged characters to Join in late spring, early summer. One of the rumors said she would conspire with Clyde Weston (James Reed). Another says she knows the location of Abigil Daviro. But the question is, of course, is Mit Abe or alive? Now, one of the rumors said that Joe was working for Claide, and so she gets the Rafat Abe site. But another rumor says that Gwen knows that Abigil is alive and where she is. Then she returns her sister to Salem. If this happens, we expect ABBY completely reformulated. This will be interesting given that Billy Flynn (who plays Chad Demira) leaves days of our lives to take over a new role in Young and the Restless. The actor said in an interview with him recently that he hoped if Chad was reformulated, the fans will embrace the new actor. Currently, we still see Billy in the days of Chad until early 2026 due to a 9 -month -old tape to delay in place now. But in the end, we can end with Abe completely new and completely new if they go this way.

Days of our life: Theresa Donovan (Emily Operation) - Bou Brady (Peter Richell) - Hop Brady (Christian Alfonso)Days of our life: Theresa Donovan (Emily Operation) - Bou Brady (Peter Richell) - Hop Brady (Christian Alfonso)
Days of our life: Theresa Donovan – Bo Brady – Hope Brady

Days of our lives, actors jumping? Renewal of the contract and salary fears

When talking about Billy Flynn, there are other rumors that the actors in other days may look out of the flowing soap. Now, it was renewed at least 2026, so on any days of our lives, the conversation that you see is full hockey. So I do not think that the actors are concerned about the cancellation. But I also believe that the days will remain because it was working well for the peacock flow platform. But the actors, like Billy Flynn, may be looking to earn larger checks. Days are on an anomaly, so the actor’s salaries are much smaller than any other soap. So yes, I heard more actors may jump. Wait to see.

A liar of air pregnancy Wesley and Salem’s exit: The days of our life are the drama reveals

There are other rumors revolving around the pregnancy of Joy Wesley (Alexann Hopkins). She lied to Alex Kiriax (Robert Scott Wilson) and Stephanie Johnson (Abeel Klein). She said her test was negative, but it was definitely positive. There is a kiriakis cake in her child’s oven. But joy is lying because Alex does not want it. So the rumors made Stephanie discover that joy is really pregnant, but it does not tell Alex. He discovered later and separated from her on treason. Meanwhile, other rumors of our lives say that Joy is completely out of Salem when you start to show to avoid questions. Then we will see Philip Kyricax (John Paul Lavoiser) may participate in her story. Joy must come out in May if these rumors are correct because the scenes behind the scenes say that it drew filming in the fall of 2024. Another rumor said that Philip leave Salem in the next two months, perhaps with her. This was once Zander Cook (Paul Telefar) was discovered that Victor Kiriacis (John Aniston) was a mix. But the rumors themselves said that Philip remains out of Salem for only a few months, then returned.

And only a quick reminder, these are not spoilers, these are definitely rumors. Therefore, do not guarantee that any or all of this will appear, but I love rumors. Therefore, I just had to share it. If any of them turns into confirmed spoilers, of course, I will tell you that.

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