Public hospital lovers love Sony Corinthians (Morris Pinard). Now he wanders in the latest story of his love with Natalia Rogers Ramirez (Eva Larrow). It is clear that she was holding the last name Sidil at some point. But there is a complete pile of fans who really hate them together. But let’s face it, she is not the worst woman Sony with her. It is a Bellynda of soap dirt, and we will talk about the worst absolute romance of Sony. It is ranked from very bad to very terrible.
If you were a long -term observer, you know that Sonny Corinthos (MAURICE BENARD) has had a lot of romance over the past three decades. He had a few who loved the epic, as you know, Carly Corinth (previously played by Sarah Joy Brown) and Brenda Barrett (Vanessa Marily), as they wandered into mind. But mostly, Sony seems to have a truly terrible taste in romantic partners. Thus there are seven women who stand out. I think it will decrease in history as some of Sony’s worst pair. We will rely on the seventh number. The polarization of the polarized fans, to the first rank. This is what I think without doubt, the worst absolute romance Sony ever in the General Hospital. And we will see if you are really agreed with us how wonderful this is really. Well, let’s dive.
Arrange the worst novels of Sony Corinthians: a public hospital retrospective
Seventh Number: Sony Corinth (Morris Pinard) with Nina Reeves (Cenatia Watros). We must start, as you know, that last romance. And he initially came out of the left field. Therefore, the fans had a strong division from the beginning. Either he loved people or hated Sony with Nina Reeves. There was no right land at Fandom. Some thought it was a breath of fresh air. Others saw a farce who wanted to see it decreased in fire.
Because Sony had memory loss, and Nina knew exactly who was. His family believed that he died. So they were in mourning. It was a big problem. In addition, as you know, Nina intends to tell Carly. But when she was bad for her on the phone, Nina decided to keep the secret. Of course, this rubs the fans in a wrong way. Sonny, nicknamed Mike, fell hard to Nina. He thought he had recently met her. When his memories returned, it is clear that Sony was very angry at Nina. But then he advanced, Carly divorced and married Nina anyway. They may still be married if not for the SEC invitation.
General Hospital: Stockholm Sony?
Therefore, some fans felt that Sony had a kind of Stockholm syndrome with Nina because she kept him away from his family, only with her. But also, as you know, Sonny felt very deeply attached to her, and could not let her leave. He even divorced Carly to be with Nina. This conjugation was exciting to the dispute between the fans. Some have said that it was the worst thing ever, and they raised that Sony should have returned with Carly, and others really loved him with Nina and still wanted to reunite them to this day. I actually loved them, but I know a lot of people, which is why it is in our romantic conjugation list, but out of the worst.
The problematic conjugation of Sony and Margo Dawson
The sixth number, the terrible second ship with the Sonny that we want to talk about is Margaux Dawson. Do you remember it? Many fans consider it one of the worst absolute relationships of Sony, but for me, it was not the worst, it was bad. I love the actress she played for, Elizabeth Hindesxon. It ended on Y & R on repetition. But I will say that this was my least preferred personality that I played at all.
Margo has emerged while Port Charles Da, who heavily wanted to put him behind bars to kill her father decades ago. But it turned out that Sony was not responsible for his death. However, Margaux was determined to put it behind bars regardless of the cost. But then, since Sonny has evil parts is basically a magnet for any woman in Port Charles, Margo hit the plate with him. The opinion of the fans was that the whole matter with him was dating back to Da, which was stupid and embarrassing, and to turn it very quickly from his hatred until his girlfriend was illogical. In addition, their chemistry was less than two stars, not a spark on the horizon. I think the opinion of the fans killed this husband, then Marjo came out of Sony’s bed and left the city, and he was unprecedented.
When the application of law and love collides: Sony’s tangle with Hana Scott
Five in our countdown list: Sony Corinth (Morris Pinard) and Hana Scott. Oh my God, as if TEFlon Don with a lawyer in the province was not bad enough, as you know, Sony also participated in the past in law enforcement ladies like FBA Hana Scott. I went to secrecy, and it was not long until the federal agent angered Sony and put his covers. She was supposed to get goods to prosecute him, and instead she fell on him. It was almost predictable and painful to watch when Sony fell to her as well.
One of the only good things about Hannah was that GH brought in A. Martinez to play her father, Roy Duca, which is always as always. Sony discovered that she was nourishing her and throwing her, but such beef shepherds on Mount Barkak, Hana could not leave him. She continued to beg for another Sonny, but he never forgive her. In the end, Hana and her drama Sony scored an amnesty from the FBI, but the fans found this romance that could not be fully tolerated, and he truly hated it. Now, while Sony’s pair with Hannah was not desirable, her then on GH was not a total bust. The actress who played her role, Lisa Volultio, met her future husband, Jonathan Jackson, behind the scenes, nicknamed actor Spencer (Jonathan Jackson). They have been married since 2002, and they have three children together. This is a good romantic association.

Reese Marshall: Another federal agent falls in Sony’s magic
Well, the fourth number on the list, five years after the Hana Scott disaster, another bad love story showed us that Sony did not learn his lesson about the women with a badge, because after that he was intertwined with Rais Marshall, another federal agent who could not fight the magnetic attraction of Sony parts. Reese went from Sony’s landing of him taking her to bed. But she betrayed him when she shook his brother, Rick Lansing (Rick Hurst).
For a long time, Rais and Rick kept his dirty secret hidden, but in the end Sony discovered it and threw it on the sidewalk. To add an insult injury, she got a train collision, entered the lung, and died. That was not missed the masses of conjugation, and there were not many people sad to see a Reese go.
Claudia Zakara: Mobility marriage of comfort has made a mistake
No. three on our countdown, and stay away from hot chicks with rifles and badges, we go in another direction for this next romantic disaster. The fans were really excited when they heard Sarah Joy Brown, the first actress to play the role of Carly, who was returning to GH in a new role. The brunette was the bomb of the mob lady Claudia Zakara.
When she first appeared, she had one night position with Sony, then later tangled you with his brother, Rick Lansing (Rick Hurst), who was completely fond with her, by the way. She also discussed with Abi Rick when she was just a teenager, so just a kind of EW. She and Sony were a marriage of mobs from comfort to unify the authority, then began falling for Sony, who was embarrassed because she fired on his son Michael Corinthous (Chad Doyle), in an attempt to kill another person. The matter was worse when Claudia intentionally bore he as an insurance policy against Sony kills her, such as Ava/Avey Vibe. But then I lost the child. Sony revealed her role in shooting Michael in public places, and she was chaos.
The good news was that Sony was not obliged to go to the legal expenses of her divorce because Claudia kidnapped Carly, tried to steal the child Goslin (Aden McCoy), and Michael broke his wife’s wife and killed her. Like a good friend, Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) was buried her body in the woods. The fans completely chanted her death and the end of the story. What is really blamed is Sarah Brown, she is a great actress, but her employment came out of the bars because he immediately after she came on board, she hit the book of the book. It was like 2008, and in the end, the Scab book did not fairly, and this was a very bad century, one of his worst.
Emily Quarten: A sweet and innocent love story that has never succeeded
Two number on our countdown, from Lady to Da to the head of the mob, where do you go from there Sonny’s Bad Road Roads? Well, you can history of the best friend of Inforrs Ghuson Morgan (Steve Burton), the sister of the adopted very sweet and well, Emelie Quarten (played by Ambr Tamblyn The Role Censerator). This pairing was very bad because it was very good. While Carly was in a psychiatric hospital, Emily was helping Sony with children. She was raped, which was terrible, and then, her husband, Nicholas Casaden (Tyler Christopher), tested, as you know, made things much worse.
Emily moved to Sony’s place while treating and helping shock and help. This is the only reason that made me think Emily sweet will fall for Mobster Sonny, just near, just sharing the roof. The age gap was embarrassing, and the fact that they had nothing to do that made it worse, her sister, Jason’s sister, was bad news, and she all felt that she had to most fans, for me as well. It was, well, well, it’s not with Nicholas at the moment, and closed Carly, so let’s throw this on the wall and see whether he was sticking. She did not stick, it’s just Stanc.
So the fans hate this association to a large extent, as you know, then Sony has entered into a mental spiral. He was diagnosed with the pole and Emily threw it because he thought it was too much for her. She ended with Nicholas, who saved her from this Sony romance, which was one of his worst. Unfortunately, the murderer of the text message got it and took her life.
The most attacking and terrifying: Sony’s relationship with Karen Wixer
Well, here is the person you were waiting for. With all the other women we mentioned, you may wonder what the potential romance of Sony is worse than this () others in the list. So this young woman was actually one of the first romances. I actually think his first romantic partner when Maurice Pinard was added to the General Hospital staff in the early 1990s. It seems that the General Hospital has not planned to establish three decades. Because when they brought him, as you know, Sony was a real evil at first. Skevy was bad. This is where this romance occurs.
So if you do not discover what I am talking about, she is Karen Wixer (Sherrill Richardson). If you have not remembered her since then, you must definitely remember her when Jagger Cates (Adam Harington) spoke about her as part of his revenge against Sonny. As you know, when Morris Pinard came for the first time, he was presented as a low -rent criminal. Sony owned the nudity club, and was Karen in high school. High School, I don’t mind. At that stage in the late twenties, the early thirties, and it is at high school working in his club below the legal age. Sony was the oldest year for Karen. But she loved her high school boyfriend, Jagger Kitts (who previously played by Antonio Sabato Junior).
General Hospital: Karen horror
But Sony got a drug Karen and supplied her until she danced in his club. Then Sony made her bed. It was completely disgusting. The age gap alone was sufficient to make the fans swing. After that, he had a contraction in the tape and abandoned her with drugs until she slept with him, everything was completely sick. Sony has definitely turned greatly since the early 1990s. Now he is the head of a charitable crime that most people love. But at the time he was toxic, and his romance with Karen was not less than the attack and the horrific. For me, it is difficult to deny that it is the worst romantic pair ever in the General Hospital.