Bold and beautiful: 7 main changes Stefy & Ridge make when they return to FC – Magic Post

Bold and beautiful: 7 main changes Stefy & Ridge make when they return to FC

 – Magic Post

In Bold and the Beautiful will not take long before Stefy Forrester (Jacqueline Macinnes Wood) and Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) return to family business, and when they do, they will make seven huge changes that amaze everyone. Let’s go to what awaits us when Forresters returns to power and clean the house on Forster creations (FC). And really, please click subscribe if you do not follow us.

Carter Walton’s guilt and Washik Cerement

Therefore, Carter Walton (Lawrence Saint Victor) is drowned in guilt and is almost ready to re -create Forster’s best friend, Ridge Forster (Thorston Kai). Literally, the only thing that stands on the way is Hope Logan (Annika Noelle), and while you will rid the teeth and nails to keep them in salad FC, Her boyfriend, expect, will explode and roll. Hope will not be able to stop the transfer of energy to the company’s legal owners.

Seven horrific changes come to the creativity of Forster

Once Steve Forster (Jacqueline McCainz Wood) Ridge Forster (Thorstan Kai) regains their legal places in their family company, many changes will come. Therefore, we will talk about five shocks in the foreground that would explain that the login mostly outside, and the borrowers definitely return, and those who betrayed them will be punished.

Brock reduction: The repercussions of the Forster coup on “Bold and the Beautiful”

First of all, I think Brooke Logan (Catherine Kelly Lang) will be reduced, not just from where it is now, but it was reduced to what was in the arrangement of the attackers before the start of the coup. It is clear that one of the first work orders is that Steve Brock comes out of her executive position she shares with her father. Therefore, I imagine that Brock will be reduced, not to return to just being a random executive official. They never specified the role. Ridge was like, “I want it part of the executive team,” but I don’t think there is a title that went with him. But I think it will likely get up to less and completely deviate from the status of power, outside the executive team. Ridge still smokes in Brock because of his betrayal and his family, and their relationship is still over. Ridge still does not want anything with Brock and is ready to continue moving forward with Taylor Hayes (Rebecca Podge). In fact, I would like to say that Brock will be lucky if the reduction is all you get because Steve may press Ridge to shoot it completely to control it during the coup. As you know, she wants to be completely cut off from Ridge’s life so that he does not tempt to return to it. Therefore, I imagine that the Brock reduction is the tip of the iceberg. I expect Ridge to pay her in exchange for her betrayal that she insists on not betraying at all, and some other people may lose their functions on a bold and beautiful as well.

Hope in shooting Logan and the future of “hope in the future”

The second change that seems likely, speaking about the loss of their jobs, is the hope that the hope will be launched (Annika Noelle) again. Her line, hope in the future, may be thrown with garbage. As you know, they can always redesign Zende Forrester Dominguez designs (Delon De Metz). He did another line before. Hope and their shocking coup. If you remember, Steve, if you remember hope in the future, fired hope, and insulted it in this process, which is the main reason that hope wants revenge. Therefore, it is safe to say that Steve will want to back down from hope to the sidewalk when they return their strength, unless he hopes to keep its function a kind of condition that the forests must agree to restore the company without fighting years in court. I completely expect to see Charlie Weber (Dick Christie) walking in the door again as soon as Stepie and Ridge returns to power.

The Bold and the Beautiful - 7 huge changes Stefy and RIDGE will return FCThe Bold and the Beautiful - 7 huge changes Stefy and RIDGE will return FC
Bold and Beautiful – Steve and Ridge

Zende Forrester’s opportunity: a new fashion line?

After that, if hope is already launched and hope to cancel the future, what does this mean for Zende Forrester Dominguez (Delon De Metz)? Stevi has already promised when she launched hope and killed the line that she would make sure that Zende had another chance in FC. Since he remained loyal and rented again to the other clowns during the coup, it is clear that it will be rewarded. Zende may get his fashion line. They can do something wonderful like giving him a dedicated line, and may be directed towards the upscale fashion of African American consumers. I mean, the sky knows, B & B Do not write wonderfully for her black characters, and they tend to leave them on the back stove. As you know, this coup attracted Carter to the front fireplace when he was usually a helping character most of the time. So this will be nice. Zende is a very talented designer, and if he gets his own line, as you know, one of the first things he can do is bring a great designer to work next to him. Perhaps another Forster has not seen it for a while, but Zende loves to cooperate with him.

The return of Thomas Forster from France: an area free of hope?

This takes us to the next point. Another comprehensive change that may play the fans once Stevi and Ridge’s official return is that they can return Thomas Forster (Matthew Atkinson) from France to work in the main office again. If you remember, Ridge rushed again in Brock, saying that hope used Thomas. Well, if hope is outside the door, Stevie and Ridge may want Thomas’s return to the door. It is clear that Steve does not want Thomas about hope, but if it ends with the design of Forster’s creations, you never know. As you know, Thomas may return to work on fashion or another line. I think he has no interest in Brock bedroom. I will say that. We can even see Thomas gets his own line, a line for men for elegance in the thirties of life. As you know, in addition, Matthew Atineson has returned to B & B.

Carter Walton’s fate: redemption or termination?

Well, the last thing I want to talk about is what will happen to Carter. Ridge and Steve may change their opinion on Carter’s launch and keep him all over, and give him another opportunity depending on what he wants to sacrifice to prove that he is sorry for what he did and that he is loyal because the book tries of course to make all this hope. For this reason we continue to hear Ridge, saying again and again. The book provides a scapegoat for it, and because of this, it is clear that there is a way to go ahead of Carter to stay close to the forests even though it stole their company. Ridge may decide that Carter, as you know, must return LLC and re -reduce his rank to the corporate lawyer, on the basis of the test. Then if he proves itself loyal, then it may return it to Steffy and Ridge later the Coo slot. I mean, heck, if Carter does what Ridge asked him to do and give up hope and restore the company, as you know, they may allow Carter to wander and resume the role of CO. I mean, clearly, I think everything should be under observation with him. They had to watch him, but I thought he could gain his way to a good blessing without shooting. It also seems that DAPHNE Rose (Murielle Hilaire) is committed to the following interest of Carter. I got a masculine image, which is located on the press site, and is still filming, so I think it will be able to monitor it for Steve and Ridge as well. And all of this can lead to Carter’s confidence in Ridge’s confidence.

The position of the last hope and revenge on Forster

Things, as you know, finally looking for forresters on Bold and the Beautiful. By the end of this week and early next week, we will see the hope of making another desperate to keep power because she knows that Stevi and Ridge are coming out of her mother from the CEO seat and restoring this is the worst thing for her, and it will not go long until we discover exactly the matter. Steffy and Ridge had some time to think about what they would do differently and how to punish the coup crew, so the big changes come, and this is bad news at least one logan, perhaps more.

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