Bangladesh army chief warns the country “at risk” of intestine struggles Magic Post

Bangladesh army chief warns the country “at risk” of intestine struggles

 Magic Post

DACCA: The head of the Bangladesh army blamed the intestines on Tuesday for the deterioration of the law and the order, warning that the gains of the revolution led by the students who overthrew the government last August were in danger.

The South Asian nation has trouble stemming an increase in violent crimes, the security forces that arrested thousands of people this month targeting the gangs that would have been linked to the party of ousted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

“If you cannot go beyond your differences and continue to mingle and fight between you, the independence and integrity of the country will be at risk-I warn you,” said General Waker-Uz -Zaman, without distinguishing groups by name.

“Since stakeholders are busy accusing each other, the disbelievers find the situation favorable. They believe that they can get away with anything, “he said during an army commemorative event.

Bangladesh was torn apart by a wave of crime, as well as demonstrations this month when crowds broke buildings linked to the Hasina family.

Last week, rival student factions clashed on a university campus, a sign of serious discord between the determining groups in the conduct of the uprising against Hasina.

The security forces have arrested more than 8,600 people since he launched “Devil Hunt Hunt” on February 8, which the government accused of being Loyalists of Hasina and wanting to “destabilize” the country.

“The anarchy we witnessed is made by us,” said Waker.

Bangladesh has a long history of military coups.

Although it was Waker who took the hand after Hasina fled by helicopter in India on August 5, he also urged the people to support the pioneer of the microfinance winner of the Nobel Muhammad Yunus Prize.

Yunus, 84, promises to institute large -scale democratic reforms and to hold general elections at the end of 2025 or at the beginning of 2026, and Waker had sworn in the interim government.

“At first, I said it would take 18 months to keep an election,” said Waker.

“We are on this path. Professor Yunus does his best to keep us united. Let’s help it.

The head of the demonstration of key students, Nahid Islam, resigned Tuesday from the government office – where he directed the telecommunications ministry – before the planned launch of a new political party on Friday.

Yunus said he had inherited a “completely out of” public administration and justice system which needs a complete overhaul to prevent a future return to autocracy.

Waker said the security forces accused of a raft of allegations “of forced disappearances, murders and torture must be the subject of an investigation”.

“The punishment must be ensured,” he said. “Otherwise, we will be trapped in the same cycle.”

The armed forces have obtained judicial powers like the police – notably arrests – after the Revolution.

But Waker, a career infantry officer who spent nearly four decades in the army, serving two tours as a soldier in the United Nations, said he just wanted a break.

“I just want to bring the country and the nation to a stable point, then take a vacation,” he said. “After that, we will return to our barracks.”

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