Days of our spoilers: Rachel arrested and struggled with Raf for his life – Magic Post

Days of our spoilers: Rachel arrested and struggled with Raf for his life

 – Magic Post

The days of our life are spoilers that Rachel has been arrested while Raf Hernandez (Galen Jing) fights for his life. But what Rachel was transferred to the police station? Will the grandmother Rachel Blake (Roselin Latifa) or the granddaughter of Rachel Black (Vinley Rose Slater) will be? Will Raf remain this new attack on Dolls?

During the past few weeks, Ava Vitali’s (Tamara Braun) has been hostage to Rachel Blake. A week ago, Rav Hernandez was moved to the same frightening house. Both are held in Blake House in Arimide. But while Raf knows that there is another prisoner at home, he does not know that he is AFA. One of them is saved this week – and the other is in trouble.

The days of our spoilers: I arrested Rachel – whichever was in prison?

On Dool, EJ Dimera (Dan Feuerriegel) knew that Ava was there when he threw Rafe there. He had spent shortly as if he was saving it, but he then spoke to abandon it. Rachel Blake was persuaded to walk away, and she was a children’s children for him. EJ had a lot of close calls with people who always find Rafe when he was in secret palace rooms.

The days of our lives confirm the spoilers Steve Johnson (Stephen Nichols) and Black Black (Eric Martolf) raced to Blake House after hearing the AFA message. They open Ava, but they doubt her when it says that it is my mother Christine Demira (Stacy Hydeck) that carries her captive. Brady was also shocked to find out his daughter Rachel, who attracted her there and Krstein also knew it. It is a three -generation nightmare.

Meanwhile, Rachel Blake Rav was bored when I heard the infiltrators. I designed it and then faced Steve who came out with it. Steve and Brady faced it, then Rachel, Wafa took and returning to Salem. Brady takes on the hospital. Steve Rachel is taking to the police station for his arrest for the kidnapping. The poor Rav left behind.

Days of our life spoilers: Rachel Black (Vinley Rose Slater) - Raf Hernandez (Galene Greing)Days of our life spoilers: Rachel Black (Vinley Rose Slater) - Raf Hernandez (Galene Greing)
Days of our life: Rachel Black – Rav Hernandez

Dools: Corporation of memory loss in Christine after it is too late for it – it can be used by EJ

Christine was sent a bottle of the drug “I cannot remember SH*T” developed by Dr. Wilhelm Rolf (Richard Warton). Both Christine and EJ have been treated with a previous version. He wears after a period of time and memory loss can be broken through hypnosis with a psychiatrist. But the new version is supposed to be not penetrated.

Therefore, Christine EJ told them that they could shoot AVA and Rafe with her and will not remember the kidnapping. Therefore, the days of our life are affirmed that the siblings are heading to Blake House to make their families forget what they did with them. But with the arrest of my mother Christine Rachel and the saving of Ava, EJ is the only one to be able to benefit from.

When they arrive at home, EJ and Krismen were shocked to see Ava. The only remaining hostage there is Rav. Therefore, EJ pulls a RAFE injection with CRS. Rafe fights from EJ while Christine screams and her brother’s anxiety will be injected instead of his captive.

But EJ wins a day and Rav will get memory change treatment. It comes in time as the spoilers of our lives were arrested soon. It will be the Arnold Feniger (GALEN GERING) that may be on handcuffs, but this may be the opportunity that EJ needs to switch real memory loss in favor of Armoster Arnold. Wait to see.

Christine and his daughter Rachel avoid the consequences of our life days?

The spoilers reveal the arrest of Rachel Blake. But others should be. Rachel must pay a little price. Christine should also be. But if Brady Ava tells that child protection services threatened to take Rachel away, you may be ready to bargain. This kidnapper AVA is exactly the type of thing that CPS will wear.

If Brady Ava is told, she may agree to the purpose of those who participated in her kidnapping. But allowing Brady’s naval daughter also means that Christine is also out of the hook. Ava will also have to keep calm about EJ also in our lives. Spoilers can see the Demira family all disappeared from their crimes. At least now.

Rachel Blake would not come out her granddaughter, who bears her name or her beloved daughter, but she is the psychological Christine. In the end, the vine always begins on dool. We hope that AVA will require a sharp price from Christine and EJ to buy her silence. In addition, Rafe’s silence is guaranteed because he will not remember anything if the medicine does its work.

Rachel Blake may pay for the kidnapping of Ava. He may find the same memory loss itself paying for all kinds of works by Doplganger Arnold. Because next week, Raf was arrested, every day of our spoilers. This is the perfect time to exchange memory loss in favor of Lookalik.

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