Sister’s wives: Robin Snops Cody is like teenage girls in the middle of the season? – Magic Post

Sister’s wives: Robin Snops Cody is like teenage girls in the middle of the season?

 – Magic Post

Sister wives Fans suggest Cody Brown He gets out of himself out of himself Robin BrownWhich seems less interested in what he sells in the mid -season conclusion of the TLC series. Cody does some things he classifies as “trying to run” Robin. But when the camera hunts Robin, it is clear that Cody’s temptation does not work.

Sister’s wives: Cody Brown is trying strongly

Sister wives The fans gave a glimpse into the Cody Brown’s mentality in inspecting the end of the season, and the fans cannot make mistakes in the attempt. But from what gossip suggests online, some clips show him to go too far in an attempt to persuade Robin Brown.

Cody looked at Sister wives The camera, and again, admit that he needs a lot of attention. Then he described his subsequent routine, a role he plays for Robin.

Sister's wives: Cody Brown - Robin BrownSister's wives: Cody Brown - Robin Brown
Sister wives TLC

With nothing but a wrapped towel around him. Then he praises his muscles for the only wife he left. Then what makes the fans suggests is a cheese sound. Another modern scene has a code while he is making dishes when he enters Robin the kitchen and asks him about what he is doing. Cody Brown answers that he is trying to “run” and Robin laughs.

But when the two sit for dinner in this Sister wives A clip, you feel a feeling of what is happening with this couple.

Robin Brown falls a bomb – Pops Cody bubble?

Sister wives The star Kodi Brown tells the SUKANYA KRISHNAN that polygamy does not work if they fall in love. Therefore, you ask him to clarify this. Cody answers that he fell in love with Robin and fell “difficult”.

Therefore, all his teenagers -like behaviors are explained by fainting on Robin. Cody is heading in love with his last wife, and he flows on her Sister wives Everything is established.

But this leads Robin Brown to drop a bomb on the bosom of Cody Brown. She looks like she is not interested in all her husband’s attempts, as she explodes his bubble. She quietly allows him to obtain her ideas through the dinner table.

Sister’s wives: The grass is always more green – not here …

Ironically, Sister wives The Patriarch tastes what Miri Brown, Janel Brown, and Christine Brown put it through Robin. Cody spends his time in front of the camera in his younger wife’s motive.

He has gone full with this flow since the practice of unilateral marriage with Robin. He fell hard to her long before the other wives leave. But now with Robin Brown as a single wife, he can behave how he wants with her, wherever he wants.

So, Cody Brown finally gets all Robin to himself, and there is no need to worry about the other abuse Sister wives Bridals when her emotion appears. But the Robin dinner conversation indicates that Kody may be short -term.

Robin suggested all the time that she wanted to marry polygamy. So it brings it to Cody during their dinner. Cody looks like a man hitting bad news. the Sister wives The face of the Patriarch’s face and head indicates that this one conversation would like to avoid. It seems that all his attempts to attract his wife in a unilateral relationship fails.

His idea of ​​unilateral marriage with Robin Brown looks good for him. But Robin Brown later suggested that she wants to know from Cody if they would return to the multiplicity of live wives. This is what Robin Brown wants, but not what Cody Brown wants. Therefore, both of them made clear their position clear.

This may be a hint of that will come if they continue Sister wives Series after this season on TLC.

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