Sister’s wives: Cody spoils Miri against Janil in the new battle strategy? (video) – Magic Post

Sister’s wives: Cody spoils Miri against Janil in the new battle strategy? (video)

 – Magic Post

Sister wives star Cody Brown Drilling Miri Brown against Janil Brown Apparently as a new strategy, with regard to financing from Coyote Pass, where the mid -season final is broadcast next week on TLC. Everything is in the latest video of the inspection below.

Sister’s wives: Cody Brown tries to recruit Miri Brown

the Sister wives A preview of the last half of Season 19 indicates that the switch has turned against Kody Brown. With the high brown family war warmth now, Miri Brown and Ganel Brown seem to have a double conversation from Cody and Robin Brown.

Fans suggest that the exposure that was immediately from the wives by Four Four Four Four is produced to the new battle tactics. Now he is trying to recruit Miri Brown to his side. At the same time, Janelle makes the exit as a ghoul.

Sister's wives: Cody Brown - Miri Brown - Janil BrownSister's wives: Cody Brown - Miri Brown - Janil Brown
Sister wives TLC

However, Miri has different ideas from Janil, which she warned against watching again when dealing with Robin and Cody Brown. Sunday night, the Tell-AL segment includes the three previous wives that go up to the microphone and let her tear Cody and his last wife.

Kody Bashes Janelle Brown in his call to Meri

Sister wives He cannot find Celeb, Kody Brown, a strategy that has the right to keep a pass of a pass to himself and Robin. He tried to get rid of some of the events indicating that Janil has already got her share.

Cody talked about the purchase of Janelle who lived in one summer. He believes that the purchase process takes some of its origins from Coyote Pass. So, Cody is trying something new on the camera in the next Sister wives Strow -all Segress this Sunday, which was seen in the inspection below.

The man who once headed Sister wives The family gives Miri screaming. He says, “I am not trying to bother you, Mary,” then runs it on Janil Brown. Cody is likely to have noticed Miri and Ganel talking about getting their money out of the ground.

Cody Short Janel?

Miri and Ganel want him to sell the land and divide the returns in four equal ways for the four owners. Janil, Miri, Cody, and Robin on the verbs of the separate disk. Kodi’s name on each of the parcels.

Robin is also on more than one instrument. Christine was leading her share to Cody and Robin by keeping the money from the house he sold in Flagstav.

So, Sister wives Kody fans using the gap and oppression tactic by distorting the reputation of Janelle Brown. He said that Janil believed that she should get something because she divorces him. All you want Janelle Brown is its fair share.

But for some reason, Cody does not think that she is worthy. Viewers see this Qudy Janel’s penalty, which she did not tell him that she is moving to North Carolina.

Sister’s wives: You came back?

This season, Baba Brown looked at Sister wives The camera, to say that he and Ganel still have a chance. These last scenes may leave Cody a bit humiliating because, as he said, Janil was transporting her life to North Carolina.

Sister wives Fans do not believe that Kody intends to sell a Coyote pass. This is just because Robin Brown wants to keep him. So, if you get Janelle to restart their marriage, you will be able there, making Robyn happy.

But he failed to recruit Janel Brown, and I also arrived in Miri with warnings about Cody who does not play an exhibition with the sale of their lands. So Sister wives Fans believe that Cody Brown is trying to transfer Miri Brown to his side in what is based on chaos about selling Coyote Pass on the TLC series.

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