Data reluctance visions for supply chain financing client – Magic Post

Data reluctance visions for supply chain financing client

 – Magic Post

house Prizes Winner visions Data reluctance visions for supply chain financing client

Aurélien VIRY, CEO, and Jelbert Kurdier, head of the supply chain financing at Societe Genereale Factoring, discusses how Fintech and the sustainable supply chain finance to achieve the goals of their customers.

Global Finance: Societe General recently created a cooperative relationship with CRX Markets, the German company Fintech. How does this reinforce the SCF financing solutions to customers?

Aurélien VIRY: In the aftermath of Covid, some large companies have faced problems with the supply chain, suppliers and banking partners to finance the increasing requirements. To help enhance their supply chain financing programs, some big companies have started searching for clear banking solutions using multiple or consecutive financing partners.

This is exactly what we offer through our partnership with CRX markets. Societe Genereale wants to serve its customers better by expanding the range of their products and providing the most appropriate working capital solutions to large companies. This can be either through our internal or external platforms, but in both cases, large companies can rely on Societe Generele as a reliable partner for financing suppliers.

Gilbert Kurdier, Head of the Supply Series Finance

GF: What are the types of data that you analyze, and how does this analysis help customers to improve working capital?

Kurdish generation: SCF not only means looking at the diligent days. Societe Genereale uses its experience to provide the best service to its customers with regard to working working consultations. We focus on the entire product life cycle, including sales, stocks and commercial payments. We perform an counterpart analysis based on the general information available in the annual reports and from the upcoming programs and payments, which include their peers from a specific customer. Our customers are very appreciated by this standard and allows us to determine the best solution to improve their working capital.

GF: How does your peers feed on your working capital analysis tool, and the type of competitive advantage that you provide to your customers?

tail: A little information is available to the public, and the SCF programs can be very light on the details. Sharing what their peers does – but maintaining their names is confidential – and the payments of the payment period that were able to negotiate with similar suppliers are important inputs for our customers. Last but not another, after they have made thousands of suppliers on board over the past years, our dedicated team has built close relationships with them, which makes it easy to persuade the current resource to join the SCF program that was prepared for another buyer.

Aurélien Vier, CEO

GF: Can you provide an example of how to make a sustainable collaboration in practice and its benefits?

Viruses: SCF is a strong solution to our customers to tackle emissions 3. Romans 3 is the most important emissions of most industrial sectors and perhaps the most difficult that our customers try to achieve some cuts. We apply a bonus/Malos mechanism (reward/penalty) associated with sustainability to the financing rate we offer to suppliers, creating an incentive for them to reduce emissions. Depending on the main goals of ESG (environmental, social and governance), such as CO2, the SCF program associated with sustainability sets the annual goals of suppliers to obtain a reward for the program prices.

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