Days of our Lives spoilers: Leo Stark sets a trap for the lady whistleblower – Magic Post

Days of our Lives spoilers: Leo Stark sets a trap for the lady whistleblower

 – Magic Post

Days of our lives Spoilers pour in Leo Stark He sets a trap for the new lady whistleblower. The young writer couldn’t believe that the mysterious person behind the keyboard was leaking spoilers about the soap inside Body and Soul Soap. All the good storylines plus gossip have graced the pages of the gossip columnist. In fact, Liu accused Javi Hernandez For stealing stories after sneaking a peek at his laptop. The false accusation destroyed the budding romance. But now, the two have agreed that they can still remain friends. However, he is not the one who leaked the best plots of the series. Can Leo catch up with Javi’s new love interest, Kerry Yeomanwreaking havoc as a lady whistleblower in the NBC Peacock exclusive?

Spoilers for Days of Our Lives: Leo Stark and Javi Hernandez share a moment

Countries Spoilers report that Leo Stark (Greg Rikaart) and Javi Hernandez (Al Calderon) will soon share a tender moment. Leo and the newcomer hit it off from the moment they met. However, things didn’t last long between Leo and Javi. Furthermore, the “Body and Soul” screenwriter accused Jaffe of stealing his ideas as the new lady whistleblower.

After a few weeks of not speaking to each other, Leo Stark and Javi Hernandez have finally made up Days of our lives. The writer decided to believe Jaffe. But instead of kissing and making out, they decided to be friends. After all, Javi is seeing Kerry Yeoman (Derek Yates).

Days of our Lives: Leo Stark

This week on days, Leo shares a tender moment with Javi. The spark is still there between the two cuties. But now it wasn’t so easy with Kerry in the mix. Javi Hernandez cares about Kyrie. Will Javi and the Writer of Body and Soul come together and leave Kerry in the dust when the facts come out?

DOOL Spoilers: Leo sets a trap for the lady whistleblower

Days of our lives The synopsis shows that Leo Stark wants revenge on the new lady whistleblower. The person’s true identity has not yet been discovered. However, fans recently saw Kerry working on material for a gossip column. Kerry applied to become the new Ms. Whistleblower after Leo was rejected. After all, the job was open, and he was a big fan of the column.

Countries Fans watched as the former gossip columnist took his complaints to the show’s producer, Abby Carver (James Reynolds). Abby told him that Stephanie Johnson (Abigail Klein) was investigating the source of the lady whistleblower column. I knew where the checks went. But is it enough to find the writer?

Leo Stark sets a trap for the lady whistleblower this week Days of our lives. Furthermore, he can “leak” fake information about the series as bait for the writer. Will he discover that Kerry is the man writing the spoilers now? Will Javi break up with Keri when the truth comes out in Season 6 of the NBC series?

Burning Days: Will Leo ever find love?

Days of our lives Fans are wondering if Leo will find love this year. After all, he had done a lot of soul-searching and growth over the past few months. He thought he had a good start with Javi Hernandez. But the relationship ended before it began. Furthermore, he freaked out and falsely accused him of stealing his work.

Additionally, Javi’s cousin Gabi Hernandez (Sherri Jimenez) thinks he should avoid Leo Countries. She thinks he is not suitable for her relative. However, they could meet again after Kerry is revealed as the new lady whistleblower. Will Javi and Leo get back together after Kairi is arrested?

He watches Days of our lives This week to see Leo Stark confront Ms. Whistleblower. He could be shocked to learn that he was Kerry Yeoman all along.

Check back with Soap Dirt for the latest Countries Spoilers and news.

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