General Hospital The spoilers show that the Drew Quartrin (Cameron Mathson) is on war war and playing dirty against his family, and we have to wonder, will he thirst for revenge, will Monica Quarten (Leslie Charlon) kill?
Terry Quartings and Monica Serbri Bond, deep in the General Hospital
As you know, it is not a secret that the Tercy Quarten (Jin Elliot) and Monica Quarten (Leslie Charleson) have got more than their fair share of the conflict over the years General HospitalBut deep in this stage of their lives, as you know, Tiri and Monica have this deep respect. They love each other. They are in a very good place.
For a while now, Tircy was a voice about anyone’s unwillingness to shake the boat or bother Monica in any way because her health was fragile. For this reason, when the entire scandal came out with Drew cheating with Michael Corinthian wife (Chad Doyle), Willo Tate (Catlin McMolin), Trisi was very concerned about the influence he would have happened on Monica.
Not to mention this at the same time that Michael died in the explosion in Sony Corinths (Morris Pinard). He was transferred to Germany to treat all his third degree burns. All this is the pressure on Monica. For this reason, Trissy prevented Drew from the lands of a quarter of significance.
Shortly later, Drew was stunned, hurt, and shocked when he continued to try to reach Monica to get her to bypass Trissy, but Monica will not receive his calls. It seems well with Trissy, who is kicking him from QUARTERMAINE. Monica was also on board the plane and supportive when Tris was desperate to keep Michael’s children in the palace.
Therefore, as you know, Monica loves her great grandchildren, and Tiri wanted her to be able to spend the most time with them as possible. Tircy has even confirmed in the new Bestie, Stella Henry (Verney Watson), about how difficult it is when Monica passes, so she puts everything.
The actions of a quarter of the harsh significance and the possible influence of Monica’s health in the General Hospital
Now, Droh is completely out of bars. He tries without mercy to stick to Petricy. In order to be fair, Drew provoked by obtaining an order from the court that prevents him from describing himself in a quarter of a quarter of significance. But although Tiri also plays dirty, it can be DRO’s behavior.
The pressure that causes this kills Monica. I mean, unfortunately, Gh Fans know that the death of her personality is coming. It may come soon because her pictures, Leslie Charleson, died not long ago. Monica’s actress died, if you do not remember, on January 12 this year.
It was 79, about 50 years away General Hospital. I mean, my God, I remember watching it when I was a child. As you know, the cause of her death was revealed as a result of painful brain injury. This was to some balance issues. Leslie was having great difficulty wandering. She was using a wheelchair, using pedestrians.
We know that she suffered from a fall that was not long before her death, which was just in a series of falling during the past few years, which was just a catastrophic of her health, and all of this led to a head injury that ended her life.
naturally , General Hospital The bodies will write Monica Quarten. They will not return it. This is not possible. Fans will be completely angry. Therefore, regardless of how they do this, Monica’s character will come out as part of the death story.
The way things are going with Drew, it seems that Monica has caused the drama and chaos of revenge in which he is constantly participating. His lawyer, Martin Gray (Michael E Night), helps stir the bowl.
The controversy of the Quarremaine Crypt family: “Slimy” in the General Hospital
Drew Quartermain has recently had a space that comes to Quartermain Estate to wipe the Earth and discovered that Quartermaine’s basement is partially on public soil. In addition, it was illegally taken by Edward Quarten (Stewart Damon). Therefore, Drew and Martin Gray really made a truly frightening step.
They got an order from the court to move a basement and remains inside. This includes Treissy’s parents, Edward and Laila Quarten, and her brother, Alan Quarten (Stewart Damon), the former husband of Monica. As you know, this is low, even for Dero, and Trissy was angry.
In her anger, she knocked on a tool of the hand of the surveyor, and Druo called her. Trissy has been arrested, but this will not prevent her. Drew told that he had betrayed everyone and harmed Monica, who welcomed her at her home when she appeared, as you know, a few years ago.
Trissi Drew told that he should leave Port Charles. But Drew applauded and Treissy remembered that it was one day the black family sheep. Everyone wanted to go at one point, and he said it could happen again. Drew announced that it is a quarter of a circle and will make his way.
In the end, Mayor Laura Spencer (Jenny Francis) persuaded Droum to drop the charges on Trissy because she will not succeed well for him. It is not a political optics. Martin Laura said up, so Drew recently fell, that the war has not ended yet, though, hospital.
Then tell Drew Martin Treissy will break. It is determined to get the Q that operates it, but it seems that there is no way that will happen.

Monica’s fragile health and threat waving the actions of Drew
Tripter described him as Grifter and said she would not allow him to use the Quartermain family name or transfer her parents from the final resting place. Dru being terrible. This entire ordeal, I think, could be the turning point that Monica leaks from the last part of the health and killing it.
If Drew does not stop tearing the family, Monica may literally die from a broken heart. Drew is trying to move Alan’s remains and the remains of other people loved by Monica. And targeting the family too much.
The shock of what DRO is doing is very large, as Monica enters a heart attack or some of the other terrible medical crisis. I mean, we know that the forces in the General Hospital should write the character of Leslie Charleson at some point. There was some time, so I think it would come soon, perhaps in May.
Drew seems to be a source of blame for Monica’s death. And if it turns out that he is an official or the family believes that, he will repeat a DRO forever, not only by the entire Q family, but most people are in Port Charles General Hospital Because Monica was a legacy there.
If Dero’s exotic stretching on Monica to death, he will be more hated than ever, and hatred. Unfortunately, of course, Monica’s story should end. And while they were buying it completely and making him worse day after day, I can see them making the cause of her death.
We will have to wait and see, but since GH wants him to be the most hated man in the city, you know, putting the blame for Monica’s death on the doorstep appears to be in a place they might go to.
Drew’s actions that cannot be exempted and possible
Drew Quartermaina is already uninterrupted after what he did with Willo and Michael by doing this. Then now move the willow and children with him, so he has no further. But if it is supposed to lead to the death of Monica, this is as much as it can fall. I don’t think anyone in Port Charles will see him in the same way again.