Days of our life: Joy needs Philip to pretend to be a child? – Magic Post

Days of our life: Joy needs Philip to pretend to be a child?

 – Magic Post

The days of our lives foretold that Joy Wesley (Alexann Hopkins) is pregnant and does not want to know the biological father. So I wonder if it might hit Philip Kyricax (John Paul Lavoiser) in great favor.

We will talk about how strange this if Joy goes to this way, but there were a lot of hints. Therefore, Philip may find himself deep in the drama soon. Let’s talk about how this might happen.

Wesley’s air problems in Salem: a rock start in our life days

Farah had no good luck since it came to Salem. Her mother, Nancy Wesley (Patrica Darbo), dragged her there to test the soap. Then the job fell, it looked like a dream.

But then a type of nightmare turned as it advanced, starting from an early time in its mandate in Salem. Before you test Joy for soap, if you remember, you faced a truly young man in a small bar that was very annoyed by Johnny Demira (Carson Potman).

It was when I thought Chanel Duberi (Ravin Buenz) had been deceived with Alex Kiriacis (Robert Scott Wilson) because of a wrong identity. Dr. Seth Alex seen the top of a lucky lady on the body and spirit group.

Seth did not give a closer look. He assumed that he was the partner of Alex, Chanel, instead of Stephanie Johnson (Abigil Klein). Johnny immediately thought of his wife in our life.

Joi was listening to Johnny Rante that night around his cheating wife, which she did not know, she never met her, she was new in the city.

The Alex and Joy Connection: From Friendship to the Bedroom on Dool

Alex and Johnny returned to her room in The Salem Inn and started getting Frisky, but then stopped. They did not do the verb. Meanwhile, Alex and Joy became friends after the soap slapped this ban, which dates back to Stephanie.

They continued to gradually approach as friends until New Year’s Eve. That is when Joy went to a Demira party with Alex’s history in our lives. That night was when everything exploded. Chanel rushed into Joy, who insisted that he was a big mistake.

Of course, Alex was also upset because Stephanie brought Philip to the party. He was all creeping and kissing Stephanie while promoting Alex. It was just a chaos. Joy hurt me because of Chanel’s anger in her face.

Alex fell by Philip and annoyed by Stephanie. So Alex and Farah finished in bed. Then they continued to end in bed again and again until Stephanie decided that she wanted to return to Alex and stop the soap to be with him.

The spiral of joy in our life – poisoning, reformulation and rejection

Then Joy was hit with one punch of three of the terrible things that occur. She was poisoned by crazy nurse Whitley King (Kim Colls), left alone and died almost because Alex left her in bed and went to Stephanie.

Then Joy discovered that the soap had ended, which means moving to Los Angeles or losing its job. She would move, but then reformulate. Worse than that, it was a kind of falling for Alex, which was clearly seen only as an informal thing just because he was filled because he could have had Stephanie.

Then Joy Alex saw Stephanie accepted even before he called things resigned with her while she was still feeling foolish from poisoning and death almost. That was just a lot of bad things that occur to joy at the same time.

Then, here, late period. Now we know that she is pregnant, but she lied and told Alex and Stephanie that she was not. I am sure that this is because Joy knows that Alex does not want it in the days of our lives.

He wanders in the heels of Stephanie. After the drama that occurred between Johnny and Chanel, this is the last thing that joy wants.

But given that she could not hide a stumbling block forever, Alex may realize that she lied when she said she was not pregnant. Unless Joy finds, of course, another person to play the role of the father in the days of our lives.

Can Philip Kiriakis be the fake father in our life days?

Only on the last day, if you remember, Philip Kyricax (John Paul Lavoiser) saw joy sitting in the city square. He asked if there is anything he could do to help. Philip knows that joy is not happy with him because of how she did her sister, Chloe Lin (Nadia Puletin).

But joy was ready for a kind of decline, so it would be. Then Philip asked for a job. This happened. I wonder if Joy will ask Philip about a larger service after that. I mean, it will be overwhelming, but will Joy Philip be asked to be her little father?

Now, he is a few years old and participated with her older sister Chloe. Therefore, the eyebrows will be raised. But I also think that if Joy asks, Philip’s reaction in the knee will be HECK’s saying no, I don’t know, in any way.

But unforgettable, Philip got a great secret on his own. Sarah Horton (Linsi Godfrey) and Kate Roberts (Lauren Koslo) defines Fifian’s False Discourse, who made the court give Philip Half Titan.

Benefit from Philip’s secrets: soap development in days

From time to time, Kate falls from the office to talk about it. Sarah talks to Philip about fraud at home from time to time. So, Philip’s dirty secret and use of Philip may hear to benefit from it to help her make her own dirty secret.

Thus, it may help cover up Alex to carry her. I cannot imagine that Philip will agree that her fake injured without joy will find a way to force his hand. I think it can achieve this even though it disturbed it because of the kidney.

Philip’s fraud is his only dirty secret. Therefore, JOY will have to discover this or somehow massage his guilt for what he did with Chloe. But joy using Philip as a fake father for her child will be very typical soap, so she is reasonable.

The days of our life - joy and PhilipThe days of our life - joy and Philip
Days of our life: joy and Philip

Avoid Alex and Stephanie: An air motive in our life days

Once joy begins to show, Alex and Stephanie can do mathematics. They may discover that joy holds Alex’s child, which is not an ideal result of joy. But if you can avoid any questions by having a fake love story with someone else, this is better for joy.

She does not want to be about Alex and Stephanie watching their ideal romantic relationship after she rejected it. If Joy has a child with Alex, they will be in her face for the rest of her life. For this reason, joy lied about the results of the pregnancy test to start.

She does not want to be an obstacle to Alex and Stephanie. And joy wants some happiness on its own.

Critical and romantic tangles potential on Dool

What will make this more critical is that Philip was previously involved with Stephanie. And he had a hot again recently. But somehow, this may also be something that Farah can use as a reason to persuade Philip to falsify her and pretend to be the father of her child.

As you know, Philip may hope that Stephanie will show it above. And that getting rid of this did not disturb him. Of course, if Chloe or Nancy returns to Salem and joy is a fake bumper Philip and also carried, they will explode on him.

I think it would be better if Joy was a history of philip and then turned into a true love story, because Joy needs some love in her life, as well as Philip. So this can be a possible solution to the Joy pregnancy problem. We will discover more soon and watch to see if Philip is involved.

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