General Hospital: Is the dead meat Valentin – Baba Charlotte that WSB brought out while watching? – Magic Post

General Hospital: Is the dead meat Valentin – Baba Charlotte that WSB brought out while watching?

 – Magic Post

The spoilers are still in the General Hospital, Valentin Cassedin (James Patrick Stewart), to escape with his daughter Charlotte Casaden (Scarlett Fernandez), but now Jason Morgan (Steve Berton) and Anna Devan (Venola Hughes) know where they are, and they know WSB, who wants, of course, is the dead.

Is the time of Valentin Cassadin in the general hospital ending? Explore the possible exit scenarios

So, is it about to kill? Does it come out? Will you see Charlotte her father dying?

We will talk about the killing of Jack Brennan (Chris Makina) on his former friend. And whether Charlotte is about to see it as a door is killed by WSB. But first, click

As you know, Valentine can only stay running for a long time before being arrested. Once again, Charlotte alerted someone to where they are.

The thing, it is certain that it seems that the Charlotte Pope does not have a place where he is converted and he is convicted in one way or another because Valentine drew himself in a corner. You know, things do not look good. He was a required man with his child. You know, he was running Pikeman. He tried to kill Sony Corinthians (Morris Pinard), Jason and Selena Wu (Lydia Locke). Olivia Jerome (Lisa Site) and some other people have been killed. Sony medications have spoiled. Then worse than all, try to fram Anna because of his crimes.

Valentine Casaden’s potential fate: death, imprisonment, or redemption?

Now that Valentin has become a totally evil, there is no way to really come out for him. There are only three results: he can try to escape again, and they can catch him and Jack can send him to Steinmour prison where they keep international criminals. Jason or WSB can kill him. At this point, death seems to be a possible result unless, as you know, is ejaculation in prison. He did not see again until they pulled him out. It will be very boring.

James Patrick Stewart, who plays the role of Valentin, was very busy with other projects, and his personality is not repaired at this stage, so he does not seem likely to be committed. This is the end of the game. I think this confrontation is Charlotte from Valentin’s hands and finally returned with Lulu Spence (which is currently playing Alexa Havins) and taking out the character from the way to forever, or at least at the present time.

The killing order: Jack Brennan’s revenge and the desperate situation in Valentin

Although his old partner in the crime, Jack Brennan, did not want to die at first, all of this changed when Valentin tried to strangle him to death in Germany. It is very bad for Valentine that Carly Corinths Spencer (who was currently playing Laura Wright) saved Jack’s life. Once he was able, WSB reported that he was putting an order to kill the site on Valentin. Therefore, the man got a great goal on his back. It is a matter of time only before he is arrested, arrested, killed, or other bad results.

I mean, we have known that the book will not keep Charlotte away from her mother forever, especially since Lulu has missed Charlotte’s life over the past four years while she was in a coma. We have seen that the actress who plays the role of Charlotte, Scarlett Fernandez, returned to filming several weeks ago. It is entitled to the screen very soon.

The race to Buenos Aires: Jason, Anna, WSB’s endeavor to Valentine and Charlotte

I just wrote her brother Rocco Walsroni (Finn Francis Car) and told him that she was in Buenos Aires, then he told Rocco Danny Morgan (Asher Jarid Antonizen), who immediately urged him to tell his mother Lulu, but Rocco said no because he told his mother the last time about a message from Charlotte, then I went out. Then both ended in a danger of this sniper. In addition, it seems that the presence with Valentin makes Charlotte happy, and Rocco wants his sister happy.

But as soon as Jason got this new lead from Danny, well, Anna, on their way to Buenos Aires. Jason and Anna not only wanted to bring Charlotte to the home, but they are also very concerned that it may be side effects when WSB aims to Valentin. At the same time as Jason got the site, well, Jack also discovered their whereabouts. Therefore, we have dangerous people heading to Charlotte and Valentin at the General Hospital. So, the big question is, will he survive? Will Charlotte hurt? We hope that Anna is approaching Charlotte with a pistol again. I mean, the poor child may have a post -traumatic disorder.

General Hospital - Valentin and CharlotteGeneral Hospital - Valentin and Charlotte
General Hospital – Valentin and Charlotte

Who will reach Valentin first? Fading confrontation in Buenos Aires

After that, we will talk about those who arrive in Valentin first and what this means for his fate and future health. And his daughter Charlotte. There is no doubt that Valentine will be found soon, and the big question I want to know is, who gets it first? Jason and Anna, or will it be WSB and the killers team? Because at the present time, they should be the only ones to chase it. Lulu has no idea that anyone knows her daughter’s location. She got aspects of the life of Brooklyn Quarten (Amanda Citton), so Jason and Anna did not want Lulu the way she caused problems anyway, so the good thing is that she disperses her attention in Port Charles. They fled.

If Valentin discovers that everyone is coming for him, he may escape again, but this seems to be useless in the story. I expect Anna and Jason first. Then WSB appears with weapons, which is a full life or death. If Anna is able to take him safely to reserve, this will do so, but this means that Valentine will be shipped to Steinmour prison, or he can escape without Charlotte.

Possible results: Valentine’s death, prison or soap resurrection?

I feel a good opportunity because WSB may kill Valentine, or look this way. If so, they can do something in a way that they will return later if they want it. As you know, such as not to find his body, fall into the water, and WSB take off his body, but he did not really die, so they could revive him later. You know, good soap things.

Brennan told his people, “They fired first and asked questions later,” and although they were intimate friends, Valentin was trying to strangle him as a break, so Brennan is now fighting. He is definitely looking to eliminate Valentin, but I do not even think that he will get his dirty hands. We’ll see if it appears there. Currently, he has a road team.

Impact on Charlotte: shock, chaotic return, and the potential darkness of Casaden

I know that many fans hate to see Valentine went forever. I am with you. James Patrick Stewart loved, but they can also return him from the dead at any time because he is soap, and Charlott sees that Baba dies will fully believe in her. She performed the stage to return a very messy to Port Charles and the chaotic reunion with her mother Lulu.

If Valentine survives somehow, I expect him to kneel one day for Charlotte, but as is the case, there is no way to recover it at all. At the same time, I would also like Valentin to return to the unusual classic villain, other than my apologies, but I doubt that GH will go to this way, at least not now. Therefore, regardless of the result, if the Valentine’s shot died, lost, or was transferred to prison, Charlotte will be shocked and terrified.

General Hospital: Lulu balance a little

This puts Lulu to deal with Charlotte very teenage when she returns to Port Charles, a type of Karmi because Lulu is now in the process of bombing the life of Brooklyn Quartetin. She plans to expose the child’s secret to Dante Falconi (Dominic Zambronia). As you know, Lulu wants her daughter, but when she gets what she wants, it may be sweet and passed because returning home to Lulu means that Charlotte will lose the Pope of Valentine to death or prison or just absent. Charlotte will not deal well at all. In fact, it is permissible to blame Lulu.

If you remember when Charlotte wanted to protect Valentin in the past, Casaden went full, as it was when she was chasing and intimidating Anna. Therefore, you cannot forget, yes, part of that was Victor Casaden (Charles Chonisi) effect, but Charlotte is a pure Casaden blood that passes through those veins, and if Valentine lost, Charlotte may excel, making things very difficult for Lulu.

I bet that Anna and Jason will move away safely from facing life or death heading to Valentine, but she will be very upset with her father and fear if he was killed, and Charlotte may not be the same again.

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