on Freedom 90 days, Chikina Garner call Sarper Guven When he struggles to leave his parents and a bachelor’s degree in Türkiye. Mahdi He feels freedom while taking all that New Orleans offers. Mina Mac Not overwhelming happiness with the fuel station food in New Hampshire. and Joan Kraushov It is welcome in America with a loaf of custom bread. Let’s take a closer look at our husbands in this summary of season 11 Episode 3 Between love and madness.
Khatib 90 days: Chicenie is upset with Sarper drama
90 days of fiancée The couple, Chicenie Garner and Sarper Goven, is heading to the United States for marriage. While Chicenie realizes that it is difficult for him to leave the family, she believes that he should be his first priority. The family gathered in a swimming pool before leaving the airport. Sister Sarper trusts Garner that they have reasons for their fears. It is that the husband is fighting often. And if his chicken expels him after an explosion, he will not have a place to go to.
Shekina Garner suggests that her friends in Los Angeles will open their doors to him. But his sister makes fun of this idea. Sarper’s proposal will never search for her friends in this position. Chikina sympathizes with what the family feels. Especially since his parents are very sad to see their only son go. But Sarper suggests that he is a man who grew. And that, as his future wife, it is time to put it first and the drama stopped cutting the rope.
on Freedom 90 days, Shekinah Garner firmly and out of the Bachelor’s Pad in Sarper. But he faces a difficult time to leave his home and memories of many women who enjoyed there. Chikin also warns that he should be in his best behavior around her teenage daughter. Since her family has already distorted her in her eyes. Sarper Guven suggests that he cannot change it as a A hole. Shekini suggests that he is trying more difficult not to be one.

90 days
Steve Nicole and Mahdi spent a very good night in New Orleans 90 fiancée days. Despite the fact that she is concerned about his comments on the night before returning to Iran. Mahdi explains that he only said in a moment of sadness about his parents ’loss. Therefore, the couple begins to explore New Orleans. The first stop to take samples of Beignet, of course. Mahdi loves Beignet and suggests whether all foods in America are like this, it will increase its weight.
Mahdi is surprised to see street artists dance and sing. Especially because in Iran you can be arrested because of these things. He says he can feel free. It is slightly unstable by a bus that pretends as a silver statue. It is entertained by an adult store with a model wearing tight clothes in the window. Although it is a bit overwhelming, it appears to embrace the freedoms offered by the United States.
Mina Mac does not feel a fuel station
It has been a difficult amendment so far for Mina Mac in New Hampshire. She wakes up to the missing, her son Clayton, who stayed in Paris due to passport issues. The fast video chat with him makes her feel worse. She even suggested that she cannot go at a wedding in 90 days of fiancée If Clayton could not be there. Mark warns that if they do not marry in the appropriate time frame, she will lose her chance to stay.
Mina tries to offer breakfast and stop smoke alarm. I was also disappointed that Mark has no high chair or other necessities for Maria. Therefore, Mark takes them to a small store connected to a shopping station. Mina is somewhat confused so that there is no fresh pregnancy or mushroom. Mark laughs at him and persuades her to settle for some pasta and cream soup. A trip to the inexpensive furniture store in the same extent in searching for a high chair for Maria. Come to Mark. It leads a little more to Wall Mart.
on Freedom 90 days, Mina preparing Spaghetti A La Gas-N-G. Maria swings on the kitchen store. But Mark and Mina achieved the best in the evening with some wine and the hot bathtub. Until Mark puts his family’s visit, especially his daughter, Jordan. He allows him to escape from Gordon wondering whether he should have more children. Mina takes a crime for this and Jordan is called a snake. She leaves jacuzzi and tells Mark of the trouble of coming to bed.
Greg welcomes Joan with a loaf of 90 days
Greg is on the moon that Joan Cochsov reaches soon 90 fiancée days. It is a loaf dedicated to baking fermented dough with its name carved to be welcomed at the airport. It is preparing for some chicken rolls and fried potatoes early to take them if they arrive hungry. HS Mom is useful but still suggests that she sleep in separate bedrooms when they arrive. She does not want to hear any activity outside the curricula between the two.
Joan Kraushev laughed in the dough welcome. In the car, Greg is served chicken and fried potatoes. Joan says fried potatoes are very salty. But it seems really happy to be in Greg. To mention the separate bedrooms. She was upset and admitted later if I knew this that she might not have come. The first meeting with his mother is friendly. But Joan just wants to shower. It is not used for pets that sleep on the bed. Therefore, it seems that three will definitely a crowd.
TLC Throuple moves forward
on 90 days of fiancée Amani Jalasi leaves and died to Mexico to move forward in their plan to bring any Agueri to the United States with her children to be a happy one family. But there are many things that they have to take care first. The couple says goodbye to their young daughters. Amani for leaving children for a long time. She wishes to be normal instead of jumping across hoops to add some spices to her life with a third party. They can, of course and call it.
It is the day of the dead show in Mexico. Amani Jalasi works that she does not understand her. But she did enough to buy some masks for the holiday. Bot and armies are in the sugar skull mask. Meanwhile, a glimpse into the life of any Auguirr is like Netflix. Pregnant at the age of 16 now has 3 children that support them by working in the nudity club. She admits tears that she is difficult, but she will do anything for her children. She is outside to meet her other half 90 days of fiancée But will you work? Until the next time!
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