The spoilers confirm to public hospitals that Goslin Jaczi (Aden McCoy) killed Cyrus Renault (Jeff Cooper) this week and will change her life forever. It is not only that taking life means that the last process of tearing it out of innocence has been given, but there are implications for dealing with it – including the possible consequences.
Jack Brennan was soon involved in GH because Jose called him immediately after she confirmed that Cyrus had really died. I examined his pulse to confirm after the anxial was expelled. Because he came to her with a weapon, Jos should see it as self -defense.
But because she became anesthetic when Cyrus faced her and shot him, Jos Pinns. For this reason, Jack Brennan (Chris McCain) called instead of 911. This decision changes her life forever and the fate of her personality in the General Hospital.
Spoilers of the General Hospital: Jooslin Jaczi Cyrus Renault was killed
Most GH lovers wanted to end the Cyrus era of terrorism. It finally happened. With only a few days staying in February, the General Hospital was taken out by the Digiris killer with a stir. Depending on how to run this, Goslin Jackers will not be suspected of his death.
Most people expected Jason Morgan to have killed Cyrus. More than anything, he wanted justice to slaughter Sam McClic (Kelly Monaco). But Jose’s heartbreak due to the loss of Dix Heller (Evan Hoover) has a behavior without thinking about the consequences.
In the last ABC Soap episode, Jos got an assertion that her doubts were correct. The Cyrus group of hospital identity teams found. It turns out, taking the prizes as most of the series does. Cyrus justified many of his killing as a divine mission.
Elizabeth Weber (Rebecca Herbet) told the release of people from pain like God required. But when it comes to Bassam, Dix, and his attempt to kill Liz, it was a purely penalty on his way. Once Jos saw the hospital identity teams and got confirmation, she had no choice.

Jack Brennan arrives to help GH – will Jason Morgan go to shoot?
With Joselyn decision to call WSB Chief Jack instead of Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and PCPD, things move quickly. Jack appeared, saw Cyrus’s body and gave Jose two options. Therefore, he said they can contact the police or take care of themselves.
As head of a spy organization, Jack may have people who can make the body disappear. They can clean the crime scene. But whatever they decide, it is better to move quickly. Jordan Ausford will find this cabin soon because of her files on Cyrus.
Spoilers refer to public hospitals to PCPD, descending there. Anna, Jordan, and even Dante Falconi (Dominic Zambronia) in the search for a Sam and Dix killer.
In addition, with Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson) fighting for his life, more people on board. But Cyrus has already died. Jose and Jack may not have time to move the body, but they can erase evidence of its presence in the cabin. I’m sure Jack can wipe the prints and destroy the evidence. They can burn the cabin to destroy the effects of Jos there.
But with the Cyrus on GH, it is clear that it plays a hateful, which is the best suspect. Anna and Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Jarah) begged not to kill Cyrus. Stone Cold admitted to Sam’s grave that he wanted to kill the man. But it was not near that cabin. Who will believe you?
General Hospital: Jack came to Port Charles in favor of Jooslin – why does Wsb want Carly’s daughter?
In a recent interview with him, the general hospital book said that Jack’s feeling of Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) was not planned. Instead, her daughter Jose was a large part of the reason for Brennan’s arrival at Port Charles.
WSB can try to recruit it. Jose’s uncle, who is carefully interested in Jerry Jerkz (Sebastian Roche). He went out of his way to vaccinate Jos against the pathogens he put in water supply.
Jerry, who is not less than a real terrorist, fled from Steinmour Prison. This is where WSB and other organizations are the worst international criminals. Remember that Jack Brennan told his friend Colette that he wanted to see how intelligence Jos. And he wants to see what you will do when I got information to find Cyrus.
Therefore, he tests her to see if she can deal with pressure being a WSB recruiter. If he can speak her to become a WSB agent, Jack may help her to bring her uncle. Either way, Jos face a great choice soon after she took life.
Jack Brennan saves Jos, but at what cost in the General Hospital?
This week, we will see Jack’s big plan to save Jose. It cannot be arrested by PCPD to kill Cyrus. This means that every Brennan planning to test it was nothing. So, yes, he will clean the chaos that she made in shooting Cyrus.
Then Jos will be his debtor. Jack can finally reveal what he wants. Its to join WSB. I already swore it on secrecy to keep this from Carly. With the murder in his safety with its publications, Jack can get what he wants.
But he will have to hope that Jos will maintain a calm deal. Jack Jose could not be to tell Carly what she did and that her boyfriend saved her. Because Carly did not allow Brennan to stay away from Jose’s use of anything on his mind.
I think the spoilers in the General Hospital will reveal its plans soon. He uses Josslyn Jacks with her excuse for a higher purpose. And recruiting the next generation of WSB agents is exciting. I wonder if he would go to Emma Scorpio after that …