Sister’s wives: Robin wants former wives to exchange their own work (video) – Magic Post

Sister’s wives: Robin wants former wives to exchange their own work (video)

 – Magic Post

Sister wives star Robin Brown She gives screaming to her ex -wives, and informs them of anxiety about their relationships and stop bringing her name to their talks in the latest TLC inspection for the end of the middle of the season. This fans see as a different plan to attack from the usual modest wife. They are used to finding her crying for the loss of colleagues in the TLC series.

Sister’s wives: Robin Brown’s agenda that Miri Brown interrogated

Robyn Brown looks different in the new inspection of the end of the middle of the season Sister wives. It seems that the only wife who left to stand for Code Brown is the topic of conversation during some of the averages in the next episode.

Miri Brown talks to her best friend Jin Sullivan about Robin. Miri now realizes that Robin sang the same song repeatedly from the desire to stay friends with Miri after she divorced Cody.

Sister's wives: Cody Brown - Robin BrownSister's wives: Cody Brown - Robin Brown
Sister wives TLC

Those close to Miri warned her of lying and manipulating her. Nevertheless, Miri Brown tried to remain a friend with her ex -sister wife. But Miri says what Robin recently said was not true for her. This fourth wife gave her for several months after the sects.

Christine Brown also took criticism of Kody’s younger wife. I wondered whether Robin and Cody were closer than they were reported before they tied the knot.

Previously on Sister wivesJanelle Brown has several times that Robyn should not be given the bullets to sell Coyote Pass. Therefore, after all tears, it seems that the last wife has left her melody. It is now targeting the group of women who suffered the disease because of its loss at the three Cody divorce.

Cody Brown feels stunned by wife No. 4

Sister wives Fans suggest that this video provides evidence that Robin Brown got what you want. Cody Brown tells Soukiana Krishnan in the middle of the season, telling everyone that he is tired of being mistaken because of Robin’s love.

But no one, not even his ex -wives, appears to blame him for this. Although they blame him for how he treated it. When the audience watched during the subsequent seasons, they suggest that Kody tried to stick to Meri, Janelle and Christine. But love was not the reason.

The fans see Sister wives The Patriarch wants all the financial assistance of the three wives who worked. But in turn, what the husband usually provided, like love, did not provide intimate moments. The intimate relationship with the three original wives has not existed, and he moved with his fourth wife.

Sister’s wives: The former couple Robin suggests the mind of their own relationships

Robin Braun, full of tears, has become Mo, and was the title of fans of “Sobbin Robyn”. But in the latest Sister wives A preview, I developed more than a strict look.

Therefore, Robin looks at the camera complaining about the previous Sister wives Women talk about it. “I hope they all focus on their own relationships without my name come,” Robin tells the interview, Sukanya Krishnan.

But Robin and Cody carries the key to cutting other women of their lives. Miri Brown and Ganel Brown are trying to obtain the Coyote Pass. This is as much as they contact Robin and Cody.

So, as TLC’s offer continues with Cody, saying that his only wife today does not want to sell her, her name will appear. But today, the fans find it paradoxes that Robin Brown has moved from the desire to do so Sister wives The partners are due to saying that they should pay attention to their work. In particular, when the gatekeeper is to its money from the Coyote Pass on the TLC series.

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