IOS 18.3 Update of debate defects on Starlink satellite connectivity Magic Post

IOS 18.3 Update of debate defects on Starlink satellite connectivity

 Magic Post

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The latest iOS 18.3 update caused a stirring among iPhone users, with a lot of concerns expressing the new Starlink satellite connectivity feature.

This feature, developed in collaboration with SpaceX and T-Mobile, allows users to send text messages via satellite when conventional cellular networks are not available, a potentially vital tool for emergencies, especially in distant regions.

The update is currently in a beta test phase, exclusive to T-Mobile users, which has aroused frustration among those who have other operators who are not yet able to access the functionality.

The influencer Koch Head expressed his concerns, urging users to avoid updating and deactivating the self-update to avoid any unexpected change in their devices.

While some consider the characteristic of satellite messaging as a precious addition, in particular in an emergency, others are concerned about the potential risks of confidentiality associated with the integration of Starlink.

There is also an increasing concern about the loss of autonomy of users, some threatening to change brands if they cannot withdraw from functionality.

The debate continues as Apple progresses with this new technology, which could considerably change the future of mobile connectivity, especially in poorly served areas.

Users are advised to carefully weigh the advantages and risks before deciding to accept the update.

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