Ben Affleck plays a main role in the thriller again Netflix “ animals ” after the release of Matt Damon Magic Post

Ben Affleck plays a main role in the thriller again Netflix “ animals ” after the release of Matt Damon

 Magic Post

The film, which will be shot in Los Angeles, features X-Files Star Gillian Anderson alongside Affleck. While the details of the plot remain under the Wraps, Animals is confirmed to focus on a high challenge removal, promising suspense and tension.

The script is written by Connor McIntyre and Billy Ray, both known to make captivating thrillers. The project is produced through the company of Affleck, Equity Artists, which he co -founded with Gerry Cardinale of Matt Damon and Redbird Capital. Producers include Affleck, Damon and Dani Bernfeld, with additional support in production by Brad Weston and Collin Creighton of Makeready.

Initially, Animals was intended to present Damon in the main role, with the Affleck staging. However, production delays and complications of rights led Affleck to concentrate on The accountant suite, putting Animals on hold.

After finishing RIPAnother criminal thriller from Netflix with Damon, Affleck has decided to revive Animals. With Damon now hired by Christopher Nolan OdysseyAffleck has chosen to play the main role itself, deploying the direction of the film.

With a powerful creative team and an intense premise, Animals He forms an essential thriller for fans of the style of Affleck director and captivating narration.

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