Bold and Beautiful: The Father’s match in Finn – Magic Post

Bold and Beautiful: The Father’s match in Finn

 – Magic Post

Bold and beautiful king Finn Discover that he is the biological father of his cousin, but Bill Spencer still increases the water for many CBS fans.

What does the publishing pole do with Luna Nazawa in his home? To date, it seems that he has everything he loses and nothing earns him by keeping this house hidden in his castle. This confused fans, with many Bell’s thinking has a hidden agenda.

Bold and beautiful: The Finnish, is the Parenting Test No. 2 in the hope of error

Bold and beautiful The Finn (Tanner Novlan) was talking to Poppy Nozawa (Romy Park) before performing a paternity test. This is when the Finn tells that there is no Nazawa’s color method (Lisa Yamada) can be his daughter.

This poppy and two lying with the results of the paternity test match. He was so shocked that he decided to repeat the test, hoping to be a mistake. But it seems that it was not.

Bold and the Beautiful: Luna Nnozawa (Lisa Yamaada) - Finn - John Finnegan (Tanner Novlan) | CBS
B & B | CBS

Bold and beautiful Fans knew the results of the second test when the Finn established poppy to his office to confront it. Therefore, the soap did not leave any maneuvering room here.

B & B: Bill Spencer was there and did that

Bold and beautiful Fans cannot imagine what Bill Spencer (Don Diamont). But they see similarities in his behavior once before. Facial Bell expressions are limited when talking to Luna. He rarely smiles or makes any reflection in his voice.

Therefore, it is difficult to read Bill today, which is what he behaved when this fraud with Sheila Carter (Kimberlain Brown). He suffocated the conditions of bishop to his other murderer, just as he does today.

Bold and the Beautiful: Bill Spence (Don Diamont) - Luna Nozawa (Lisa Yamada)Bold and the Beautiful: Bill Spence (Don Diamont) - Luna Nozawa (Lisa Yamada)
B & B | CBS

Except with Sheila, Bill Roma. His relationship with Luna is like a father and a daughter. Bell pulled a fraud on Sheila by pretending to be sponsored.

But he did this to get a confession that would put it away forever. Now Bell uses the same type of behavior with Luna. But she already recognized her crimes. So, what is he doing?

Bold and beautiful: If the Finnish is the father, then where is Bell fit?

Bold and beautiful Sufficient hints for the Finnish proposal may find himself as a father of a daughter in her twenties. But before the Finn he knew the truth, some fans believed that Bill Spencer’s behavior indicates that he knew something that no one did.

Many thought Bill Spencer was the father. Some fans suggested that Bell had conducted his secret paternity test. After being deceived by the fake Luna cultivated, some people believed that he might need to see it for himself.

Bold and the Beautiful: Finn - John Finnegan (Tanner Novlan - Bill Spence (Don Diamont)Bold and the Beautiful: Finn - John Finnegan (Tanner Novlan - Bill Spence (Don Diamont)
B & B | CBS

But now it seems that paternity in the Finnish does not leave a little doubt. However, the Finn mentioned something to the poppy when the results of the father’s test Tom Star (Clint Haward) were negative in the match.

He suggested that he was a false negative and that the test should be repeated. Therefore, for hikers who still believe that Bill Spencer can be the real father, the color of Nazawa, there are some suggestions on how this happens on the Internet.

B & B: Luna Nazawa’s blood on a tour

Bold and beautiful It often takes freedoms with how things work in the real world. They often extend things to fit a story. Therefore, think about the same blood in Finnegan (Naomi Matsouda) used to verify the possible paternity of Jack Fenjan (Ted King).

Now the Finnish uses it to run the paternity test. some B & B Fans believe that the blood may have been contaminated with Jack DNA when I tested it. And Jack is the biological father of art.

This may not be scientifically possible in the real world, however Bold and beautiful It can be used as an excuse, as soon as the Finnish destroyed and everyone’s life.

A few Bold and beautiful The rejectionists, after a tsunami, suggest the damage that strikes the Finnish and his family, a simple note from the manufacturer in the test that may end the Finnish being the father of his lost cousin.

They can warn employees that a group of paternity tests that were delivered to the hospital was wrong. They may produce a lot of wrong results.

Therefore, there, with Bill Spencer still playing a care host for his home guest, some Bold and beautiful Fans will not allow the possibility of knowing that the father of Luna goes.

Therefore, until Bill Spencer’s hidden agenda for Nuzawa’s Luna, some fans are likely to be a long -time father. But of course, after the tremendous damage of the Finnish life on CBS soap.

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