Sister’s wives: Kodi suffocates Robin’s request – terrible pictures models – Magic Post

Sister’s wives: Kodi suffocates Robin’s request – terrible pictures models

 – Magic Post

Sister wives Fans think Robin Brown take off Cody BrownWho no longer looks like a leader of any package, does not care about the Patriarch, today on the TLC series.

Cody once told the viewers how he is proud of himself for the presence of a wife who followed him. Robin let him lead the family, and flow on it. But from where viewers sit today, that ship sailed.

Sister’s wives: Cody Brown raises his compatible wife, Robin Brown

Cody Brown, who imagined himself as a sought Sister wives The brood, once compared to his four wives. He compared his compatible wife, Robin Brown, to the three wives who left him. She alluded to her willingness to allow him to lead, which he believes is how the wife should be.

Sister's wives: Robin Brown - Cody Brown
Sister wives TLC

However, after the last episode, it was easy for viewers to see that this was no longer the case. Now Cody seems to be reluctantly compatible in their marriage.

Cody will not give up his ax

Pope Cody Brown presented the rules Sister wives The family followed those rules. Well, that was when the three original wives form a multi -wives marriage.

But today is different. In the latest episode, I opened a window enough to Sister wives Fans to learn about the dynamics of the Kody and Robin family. Kody cut off Coyote Pass with Robyn, Ariella Brown, Solomon Brown, Breanna Brown and Aurora Brown waiting near.

Sister's wives: Brina Brown - Robin BrownSister's wives: Brina Brown - Robin Brown
Sister wives TLC

Breanna wanted to use the ax and cut some wood. I asked Baba Brown, who seemed to be exacerbated by the turmoil. Tell her that she needed to wait until the wood is cut off.

Then Robin enters Sister wives Fans suggested that she does not like Cody’s answer to her daughter. Then Robin says, “I think it would be great to show this gentle girl who swings the ax.” Cody repeats, “Once the wood is cut.” Then, in the next scene, Kody Breanna knows how to use the ax.

Sister’s wives: Robin pulls the strings

Sister wives The fans watch the dynamics between Robin Brown and Cody Brown this season. It cannot be more clear to viewers. They see who manages the show … Robin Brown.

Robin does not seem to be responsible for worldly worldly activities, but it seems that she got a handle on Coyote Pass. Especially whether they sell it or not. Janelle Brown and Meri Brown are also discussing, it is not due to Kody and Robyn, where Meri and Janelle owns the property.

But Cody explains how Robin is a desire to separate the roads with the Earth. It confirms this with what you say at one time on one with the camera.

So, Sister wives Robin fans see Kody knocking on several degrees in terms of stopping once as a patriarch. They also see a terrible picture drawn by Miri and Ganel. Robin Brown appears to have the final statement about the property.

Viewers suggest that Cody Brown’s compatible wife and her children have taken over. Robin Brown jumped when Breanna wanted to swing the ax. So, I brought this to Cody, who jumped at the request of his wife.

to Sister wives Fans, life before the great division at least gave Cody Brown some say in things. Instead, fans today believe his last wife is now a doll, as he pulls his chain on the TLC series.

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