Caroline Kennedy urges senators to reject the appointment of the RFK JR cabinet Magic Post

Caroline Kennedy urges senators to reject the appointment of the RFK JR cabinet

 Magic Post

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Caroline Kennedy, cousin of the controversial candidate of the Secretary of Health and Social Services, Robert F Kennedy Jr, wrote an overwhelming letter to the senators, exhorting them to block her confirmation. In the letter, she described it as a “predator” and warned of the dangers he could put if they were elected.

“I knew Bobby all my life. It is not surprising that he keeps birds of prey as pets because he is himself a predator, “wrote Kennedy, alleging that his victims included family members and parents of sick children.

The letter, sent Wednesday to Kennedy Jr’s confirmation hearing, accused it of financial hypocrisy. Caroline alleged that, while publicly opposing the vaccinations, he vaccinated her own children and benefited financially from his anti-vaccine activism. She also claimed to have influenced other family members to drug addiction.

By referring to his father, President John F Kennedy, and his uncle, the former general prosecutor Robert F Kennedy, Caroline said they would be “disgusted” by the actions of his cousin.

Although reluctant to comment on the family policy in the past, Caroline said that she felt the obligation to express himself given the candidacy of her cousin for the Secretary of Health. The letter was shared on Instagram by his son, Jack Schlossberg, a writer.

This is not the first time that Caroline, a former American ambassador to Australia, has been criticized for her cousin. After a speech at the National Press Club of Canberra, she described her anti-vaccinations of “dangerous”.

Robert F Kennedy Jr, a choice of division of former president Donald Trump, faced bipartite criticism for his anti-vaccine position. With a thin margin of confirmation, he cannot afford to lose more than three republican votes.

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