Sister’s wives: Miri keeps Brech Cody to expose his hidden agenda? – Magic Post

Sister’s wives: Miri keeps Brech Cody to expose his hidden agenda?

 – Magic Post

Sister wives star Miri Brown West is ready Cody BrownFilm after years of unwillingness to wound her, because she is busy restoring what she is on the TLC series.

Cody and Robin Brown seem to have a hidden agenda regarding family financing. It seems that Miri and Ganel Brown now see that Cody and Robin have collected their nest for a long time, and these two previous wives have become wise.

Sister’s wives: Miri Brown is confident Cody Brown

Sister wives Celeb Meri Brown did not care for the world about the division of Coyote Pass. I believed that Cody Brown and Robin Brown had appeared in the division of family financial affairs. But she got a rude awakening. Now Cody Miri is amazed after she saw some behavior less than stars with mathematics. She never thought that she could not trust him to divide the land fairly.

Sister's wives: Cody Brown - Miri BrownSister's wives: Cody Brown - Miri Brown
Sister wives TLC

Cody sat on Coyote Pass with Robyn Brown and their children on Sunday night Sister wives episode. They drew a blue picnic table, which fans believed were strange because the land was supposed to rise for sale.

But while Janelle Brown and Meri Brown are trying to recover their money from the property, Kody has other ideas. He wants to keep the ground. But more disturbing to Cody is that Robin does not want to abandon him. Therefore, fans believe that Janelle and Meri have done the best that they could do by contacting the lawyers.

Is it greed or memories of Cody?

It is clear to Sister wives Fans that Cody is not in a hurry to sell a lot of their wolf. But he claims that the memories of their families make it difficult for him to sell.

Kody fans see because some believe that this is the last thing of control over Meri Brown and Janele Brown. In addition, you are likely to sell for a large portion of money Sister wives Viewers believe that Kody is not ready to get rid of any money, although it is truly owned money on Janelle and Meri.

So, while Cody calls him family memories that embrace him when he advances on the ground, viewers see the signs of money leading the bus for Sister wives patriarch.

Sister’s wives: It was a long and wind of Mary

Sister wives The star Miri Brown seemed painful and amazing when she finally realized that Cody Brown trust anywhere. While she divorced him, and moved two years, the Coyote Pass land kept it linked to it and Robyn.

Both Meri and Janelle want to cut this tie and recover their money. Kody and Robyn seem to pay for the lion’s share of revenue if they sell the ground. Cody’s name on each piece, and Robin’s name in three.

Cody prepared the actions when they bought the ground. Now Janil and Miri believed that he had a reason to do this in this way. Despite the lands that belong to Mary, Ganel, Robin, and Cody, this way does not appear on verbs.

Janel Brown went to the point that she, Miri, and Kristen, has placed 17 years of her salaries in family management before Robin landed. and Sister wives Fans realize that Robin is not working in an external job since it became part of the family. If you do it, it has kept it secretly. Therefore, the original three wives contributed to the collected financial affairs of the family.

Miri’s party on the topic of selling Coyote Pass for a few years so far. She said she did this because she did not want to bother any feathers with Cody Brown. But now she does not care about disturbing the code feathers. Instead, these celebrities speak to a lawyer. Now it seems to be planning to break up those feathers instead.

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